masters 2005 (txt version)

masters 2005 (excell version)

bands A-M (including masters)

other bands N-Z (including masters)

NIRVANA   part 1

NIRVANA   update

        welcome to my taping and trading page...

My major trade interests are Nirvana, The Pixies, Radiohead, Big Black, Autolux, Girls Against Boys, The Velvet Underground, The Melvins, The Jesus Lizard, Cracker, and many others. � � �
        I tape shows on DAT, and trade on DAT and CDR.

No cassette trades, unless you've got something really rare or unique, that I really want.
I don't sell tapes but I'm sometimes willing to do blank and postage deals, so just ask.


-All masters are recorded with a Sony TCD-D8 DAT recorder, and Core Sound Binaural mics w/ bass rolloff and -20dB attenuator.
-I do all clones Sony D8 -> Tascam DA30 MKII via AES/EBU with SCMS at 00.

1. Please use 60m (120 minute)or shorter tapes only. No 90m tapes.
2. Don't use DIC or TDK tapes. I don't really like the new Sony DDS either, because my deck often eats them. I don't really care, as long as it works. I normally use Fuji.
3. Record 1 min of silence at the beginning of each tape.
4. Please FF and REW new tapes to unpack the tape.

--I have a Marantz CDR 630 semipro standalone CD burner.
CD>CDR (or CDR>CDR) clones are done:
Marantz CD-5000 CD player->optical cable->CDR-630.
DAT->CDR recordings are done:
Tascam DA-30 MKII->coaxial cable->CDR 630.
I use the 630's sample rate converter when burning from 48 or 32k DATs.

1. Please use high quality discs- Mitsui, HP, TDK certified plus, Imation, Fuji, etc. Please avoid Memorex, Maxell, Sony, and generic brands. I generally use HP.
2. All CDs must be done DAO. I do not want CDs with gaps between the tracks.
3. I want to know the digital generations, recorder/mic info, etc.
4. Please let me know about any problems, cuts, or wierd anomolies ahead of time.
5. Please do not use any kind of adhesive stick-on labels.

I have a cheap Sony dual cassette deck to do cassette->CDR or cassette to dat transfers. The deck is fine for playback, but not recording; please don't ask for cassette dubs, as you would no doubt be quite disappointed. All A->D conversions, for DAT or CDR, are done through the DA-30 MKII. I have one decent-quality VCR. I can't copy videos, but I can make digital transfers of them.

DATE, VENUE, MICS, DECK, etc! All of it! I spend way too much time digging around my mailbox trying to figure out what the hell is on all the unlabelled discs I get. Thanks. ;)

� 1997

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