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Somehow I've lost the Hendrix Hundred link from the index page, will try to fix that soon.

I have heard strong rumors that the Feb '69 RAH show is going to get an official CD and DVD release sometime later this year. Keep an eye out for it if that's true. It's an amazing show.

As for new trader discs out there, there's a nice 6 disc 1st gen copy of the October '68 Winterland shows, an complete Axis Sessions set (similar to the Maximum Experience set for AYE), a new source for the second BOG show on December 31st, 1969 (Unleashed In The East), a couple of really nice 2 disc studio sets (Old Time, Raw Blues), and a number of others that I know I'm forgetting right now.

Well this site has gone without an update for a very long time, and I'm not really sure this classifies, but...

As I mention to anybody who's written me through this site, I don't have the free time anymore that I used to have, which allowed me to keep this site updated with reviews on the latest available discs. I tried to keep the latest news section updated at least, but even that I don't seem to be able to find the time for these days. Since the last update I did here, I think there's been three Dagger releases (Live In Ottawa, Baggys Rehearsals, and Winterland Feb. '68), and two official EH releases (Isle Of Wight, Live At Berkeley). All of these are excellent releases and deserve your purchase, though I'd tend to leave the Ottawa show until last. But that's just my personal preference. Berkeley should be your first purchase, both the CD and DVD. While I wasn't happy that they only released the second show, any is better than nothing. And while the DVD movie kinda sucks the big one (what do you expect, as it was originally an Alan Douglas production), it does come with the second show mixed in 5.1 Surround sound.

The bottom line of this rambling is, I probably won't be doing any more new reviews, and will only occasionally update the Unreviewed section with what is newly circulating in the trade circles. I think that the reviewed section has enough information in it to make it worthwhile to people looking for information on a show, and if there's a review of a disc, you can be almost certain that there is a trader disc out there somewhere in much better quality, more complete, etc.

To those people who write looking for a copy of the 'Nine To The Universe' on CD, here's some info for you. The original release was *never* officially issued on CD. Any copy you may find is either a straight transfer of the tape or the vinyl album to CD (which is what the early versions were), a bad copy of that copy, or the trader disc. And as I've said many times, the trader disc is the one you want to hunt down. Much better quality, unedited (with a running time close to 80 minutes), and available for usually nothing more than a couple blanks in trade.

There are a couple of Jimi discussion groups at Yahoo that are a good place to begin hunting for a copy, they are :

Electric Sky Church

And as I also mentioned, I do get e-mails written to me through this site, I just don't tend to always answer right away. But I do get to them eventually. So if you have any questions about Jimi, or trading in general, feel free to write. I don't do trades, basically due to the lack of free time I have. I don't sell copies of commercial CDs. It's called bootlegging and it's illegal. Support EH and buy the official releases, so they'll keep putting new stuff out for us. And finally, I don't sell copies of the trader discs, because they are available easily (the two links above are good places to begin) and if I didn't have to pay for a copy, why should anybody else?

What's Happening Here?

09.17.01 - A few discs added to the Unreviewed section.

07.02.01 - Fixed the long screwed-up link to the 1968 A.D. review, and added another disc or two to the Unreviewed section.

05.26.01 - Added a couple new discs to the Unreviewed section, including a 05.26.68 Bologna, Italy set that includes a recently released third source for this show! Also, fixed the e-mail link on the opening page. Looks like Yahoo fucked up yet another thing during their takeover of Geocities.

04.21.01 - Fixed the guestbook and counter, which got fucked when Geocities was taken over by Yahoo.

04.14.01 - A few more trader discs added to the Unreviewed section.

03.09.01 - A few more added to the Unreviewed section.

02.01.01 - I found out that the upcoming EH DVD 'Experience', coming out on February 13th, will have an extra 40 minutes or so of bonus footage not on the original release. In it, will be the footage from the 1967 JHE performance on the show Popside, two video clips of which I had on the audio page. And I won't post commercially available material, so it's gone. I will try and get some new audio goodies up in the next week or so.

01.02.01 - Just a quick entry to rant for a few minutes, add some more discs to the `Unreviewed' section, and to say that I'm still alive and still have absolutely no time to work on the site.

07.01.00 - Not much new to report, except more discs added to the 'Unreviewed' area. And the way things are going tradingwise, it doesn't look like I'll be getting around to reviewing them anytime soon either!

04.29.00 - News page updated, and a few more additions to the 'Unreviewed' section of the listing page.

02.22.00 - A few more added to the retitled "Have, but not reviewed yet" section.

01.10.00 - Well, Y2k came and the world didn't end. Looks like it turned out to be just another money grab for those in the software market. As you can no doubt see, there hasn't been a whole hell of a lot happening here at the site lately. A month and a half of overtime at work, combined with about 2 dozen trades over the past month or so have killed any hopes I had of updating the review page before the end of the century. I've updated the Coming Soon section yet again, and removed the commercial ad that some fuckface was so kind to post in the guestbook. Hey Johnny, you want to advertise, pay for it!

12.09.99 - Still no review page updates, just the ever growing Coming Soon list.

09.08.99 - Very little has changed here recently (2 months since the last update infact). Either work, trades, or other related things have been sucking up any free time I've had lately. I have updated the listing page or more correctly, added more discs to the Coming Soon section. So much for the one disc a day update plan of mine. I haven't abandoned the page here, even though it may seem like it. I even started writing a bunch of reviews for the new stuff, but they've been sitting on a floppy here somewhere, waiting to be finished. And that as far as I've been able to get. I'm thinking it may be time to hire a secretary. If there are any hot, sexy, blonde, large breasted ladies out there, please send me your resume and a 8 X 10 photo (nudity not required, but *will* earn you brownie points :) )

07.03.99 - Finally fixed the welcome menu, now it doesn't look as bad as it did before.

06.27.99 - I've begun updating once more, hopefully this will become a habit again :) 1 new disc added to the list page and counting... Also, if you scroll down to the end of the list page, you'll see the discs I have but that haven't made it to the review stage yet. Watch as I continue to fall behind week after week, and the list grows and grows :)

05.15.99 - As a gift to all the people who've patiently waited for me to get off my ass and update things around here, I've done something a little special for the audio page. Check it out, and I hope you enjoy!

05.13.99 - I've begun to update the pages here at NTTU. Sorry about the delays in updates lately, but life, trades, and other work has been taking up pretty much all my free time recently. I do have quite a number of new discs to add, I think that adding one or two at a time is probably the easiest way for me to get caught up, rather than trying to do everything in one shot. I've uploaded a couple of the new additions to my collection, they can be found on the list page. Check 'em out! There are probably 15-20 other discs still to be added, so bear with me while I catch up here. I swore after the last major update I wouldn't let myself get behind again, but here I am once more. Oh well, what can ya do?

March 99 - 13 CDs added to the list page.

February 99 - 6 CDs added to the list page.

January 99 - 10 new CDs added to the list page.

01.03.99 - There's a great new CD player called CD Stomper, and it lets you customize its looks to whatever you like. I've made a little attempt at a skin for it, check it out here!

December 98 - 7 new CDs added this month to the listing page.

12.06.98 - Figured it was time to update the opening page. If I'm gonna name the site after the album Nine To The Universe, it only makes sense to put the image up as the opening screen.

November 98 - 9 new CDs added to the list page. Slow month I guess :)

September/October 98 - 30 new CDs added to the list page.

August 98 - 22 new CDs added this month to the list page.

07.30.98 Visual page updated.

05.10.98 All CD graphics now online

04.12.98 All CD info files now online.

Old News
Experience Hendrix releases Live At The Filmore East, a collection of additional tracks from the Band Of Gypsys legendary performances at the Filmore East, December 31,1969/January 1, 1970
Experience Hendrix releases BBC Sessions, featuring live BBC radio and television performances of the Jimi Hendrix Experience.
First release on Dagger records, Live At The Oakland Coliseum, released this month.
Dagger Records formed, specializing in bootleg Hendrix releases. First release is The Jimi Hendrix Experience : Live At The Oakland Coliseum.

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