The following review was written by Matt Lefort and Dr. Jon Hut, and was originally published in the final issue of SHUFFLE, a Halifax 'zine, and has been re-edited.

Wednesday, September 3, 1997. For the first time in their careers, the Dayglo Abortions (GOD Records) came to the armpit of Nova Scotia...Halifax. Accompanied by their friends, Pigment Vehicle (Wrong Records), the old time punkers and aging drunks pulled up to the entrance of Cafe Ole in their home-made van campers coated with flat primer, rust-colored paint.

After having to endure the idiotic sounds of the first opening "band", and redundant squakings of the next, the audience was plunged head-first into the insanity of Pigment Vehicle. They rocked. A cross between NoMeansNo and Fugazi, they ranted with three-way lyrics, compex bass lines, crazy guitar, and drums e v e r y w h e r e for about an hour.

Surprisingly enough, the trio had no prior musical education, except for Colin (bass), who learned to read music at age 11. They were definitely amazing, and everyone should buy their cd's, T-shirts, and pillow cases! HOWEVER, most of the kiddies at the show might not agree, as their muddled little heads couldn't seem to grasp the concept of an intelligent band that's slightly DIFFERENT...imagine. Halifax?! Naw...

THEN...oh yes...the all-Canadian, booze-hounding, sex-obsessed pigs, the Dayglos themselves took the "stage". Jesus Bonehead and Hung strutted out first, beers in hand, to get set up.

"Where's all the Halifax PUSSY?!" the aging, emaciated, and almost toothless drummer shouted. Gymbo and the rest of the gang were soon to follow, and played with a circus-mentality, doing songs from all of their records to date for a good, solid hour. Within that time, Gymbo managed to cover the crowd in beer and spit, insult everyone there, tear down wires from the ceiling, and strip to his white, tightie undies.

"'s f***ing hot up here..." Gymbo spat, as about half the crowd retreated from the near-naked singer. Gymbo, as well as pulling off amazing lyrical quality, expressed incredible skill at:


We found the man himself after the show, standing half-naked, drinking yet another beer, on the fire escape. So we interviewed him. And what an interview it batteries in the dictaphone, and no previously planned questions... we were on the BALL! Pencil and paper in hand, Dr. Hut scribbled furiously (in the insufficiently lit area) as we both fired the improv questions. Here's all we could interpret from the mess...

East Indian was written because Cretin saw grafitti on a wall that read "East Indian is punk".
Spud has a new born baby and couldn't complete the tour. He stopped in Calgary. His wife works in a mental institute.
Squid f***ed off. He's in computer school.
* What do you think of Nova Scotian pot? "Had some weed in Bridgewater. You guys use too much tobacco in the shit, because it's too damp and compacted..."
* What's your opinion of Nova Scotia? "Very short trees."