第三十五課: 鄭玄の書簡、袁紹の大軍を動かす
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

曹操(Cao Cao)から劉備(Liu Bei)を殺害するようにとの命令を受けた車冑(Che Zhou)を斬ったことにより、劉備は曹操と真正面から対決する羽目に陥ります。そうした中、陳登(Chen Deng)は書の大家で袁家に三代にわたり親しい鄭玄(Zheng Xuan)先生に袁紹(Yuan Shao)に対し曹操討伐のため劉備と連合を組むべしとの内容の手紙を書かせる事を提案します。袁紹の弟、袁術(Yuan Shu)を滅ぼした自分に袁紹が協力するだろうかと劉備は心配します。鄭玄はさすがに書の名人。鄭玄の手紙を見た袁紹は心動かされ、曹操討伐を行うべきか否か軍議にかけます。

Chen Deng 陳登 Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 
Ma Rong
馬融 Emperor Yuan 桓帝
Jizhou 冀州 Qingzhou 青州 Youzhou 幽州 
Bingzhou 並州  Xuzhou 徐州
Book of Odes 詩経  Ten Eunuchs 十常侍(霊帝時代に権勢を振るった宦官集団)

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻、一書十万兵


Chapter XXII: Yuan Shao And Cao Cao Both Take The Field;
Guan Yu And Zhang Fei Captures Two Generals.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

This was the plan Chen Deng proposed to Liu Bei, "Yuan Shao is Cao Cao's terror. He is strongly posted in an extensive territory of four regions---Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou---with one million fighting soldiers and numerous able officers. Write letters and pray him rescue you."

Liu Bei replied, "But we have never had any dealings with each other, and he is unlikely to do such a thing for a person who has just destroyed his brother."

"There is someone here whose family have been on intimate terms with the Yuans for a hundred years. Yuan Shao would surely come, if he wrote."

"And who is this?"

"A man you know well and respect greatly. Can you not guess?"

"You surely mean Zheng Xuan," said Liu Bei suddenly.

"That is he," said Chen Deng smiling.

Now Zheng Xuan was a student and a man of great talent, who had long studied under the famed teacher Ma Rong, whose knowledge of the Book of Odes was universally recognized.Whenever Ma Rong lectured, he let fall a curtain behind which were a circle of singing girls. The students were assembled in front of this curtain. Zheng Xuan attended these lectures for three years and never once let his eyes wander to the curtain.

Naturally the master admired his pupil. After Zheng Xuan had finished his studies and gone home, Ma Rong praised him to the others, saying, "Only one man has penetrated the inner meaning of my instructions, and that one is Zheng Xuan."

In Zheng Xuan's household, the waiting maids were familiar with the Book of Odes. Once one of the maids opposed Zheng Xuan's wishes, so as punishment she was made to kneel in front of the steps. Another girl made fun of her, quoting from an ode:
"What are you doing there in the mire?"

The kneeling girl capped the verse from another ode, quoted she:
"That was but a simple word I said,
Yet brought it wrath upon my head.

Such was the family in which Zheng Xuan had been born. In the reign of the Emperor Huan, he rose to the rank of Chair of the Secretariat.But when the Ten Eunuchs began to control the government, he gave up office and retired into the country to Xuzhou.Liu Bei had known him before, had consulted him on many occasions, and greatly respected him.

Liu Bei was glad that he had remembered this man, and without loss of time, in company with Chen Deng, he went to Zheng Xuan's house to ask him to draft this letter, which Zheng Xuan generously consented to do.

Sun Qian was entrusted with the task of delivery and set out at once. Yuan Shao read it and considered the matter long before speaking.

"Liu Bei destroyed my brother, and I ought not to help him, but out of consideration for the writer of this letter I must."

Thereupon Yuan Shao assembled his officers to consider an attack upon Cao Cao.



