<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/tar_liom2002/mcarthur.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
About me...?
Smiling ..just a little ...

It seems proper silly  to be talking
about me when this is about and for you.
~ ~ ~
I am, afterall ... only what you think
I am, how you view me and
re-view me.
~ ~ ~
No matter my vision...my philosophy ...
I am filtered through your prism ..
you will see and hear what
you wish to see and hear.
~ ~ ~
If you seek joy, companionship,
friendship ...a hand to hold
down the pathways of life's
continuous series of pranks ...
you will find a willing co- traveler.
~ ~ ~
If you seek shelter from the winds
of turmoil sweeping past your door 
you will see me as a knight,
a protector of damsels and
the young in distress
~ ~ ~
If you seek frivolity, plesantries,
foolishness you will know the imp that
dwells inside me, and longs to spring
forth  with no notice given.
~ ~ ~
You will see  a man 
flawed  as are all men ...
but one who thinks deeply ....
ponders his actions ... no matter
how spontaneous they may seem
I am .. Patrick Michael
American by birth,
Irish by the grace of God
My hair is darker,
Don't do well on my stead
but I try....
Evil prevails when good men do nothing 
  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
Cognito ergo sum I think, therefore I am
~~ Rene Des Cartes ~~
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me,
I may not lead. Walk beside me, and be my friend ... ~ Albert Camus ~
Por Que ? .....Por Que No ?
The battle fiercely rages
Across a ravaged land,
Apathy engages,
Will no one lift a hand
To  stop the killing ?
'Not I' said harried banker,
The cost's too much to bear.
'Nor I' said cabinet maker
With sawdust in his hair.
As the graves keep filling.
'What can I do?' says mother
I've young ones to be raised.
'Or I ?' says Seminary brother,
I'm here His name to praise.
As all around lays waste.
The student at the podium
Says 'Let me think it through'.
The professor writes compodium
And mutters 'Nothing I can do'
While Insanity makes haste
'Let me try' says Newborn,
Though only wee I be,
My heart is fierce
And I have eyes that see.
If I do not help my brother ..
Who then, will help me?
~ Tar Liom ~

Once, it seems so long ago
When I was just a boy
I thought I might fix everything
If I just added joy
Then as I grew older
The world seemed cruel and cold
Yet still I sought to fix it
I was not all that old.
Older still I finally learned
You fix by bits and starts
Not the total universe
Just some of it's parts
You never win by giving in
No matter what 'they' say
Pulling things together
In my small but steady way.
Inside the man standing here
Resides the little boy
Who still believes you fix things
By bringing someone joy

~ Tar Liom ~

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The current Background music is : ~  McArthur Park ~