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Still images of common marine plants and animals in Tasmania's marine environment:
original transparency slides now available on video tape or DVD format
combined with the
Seadragon' s Lair  video

The Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association has assembled three collections of transparency slides that describe a selection of the common plants and animals found on our sandy and rock shores. They are accompanied by sets of notes that give a the names and a brief description of the feeding and reproduction of each organism. The 80 slides illustrate different aspects of the marine environment as described below.

 Each slide collection has also been recorded as a series of still images onto video tapes with  a commentary from the notes. The videos also include a printed copy of the notes on each slide illustrated. They have also been recorded on DVDs along with the Seadragon' s Lair video. They are available for loan from the Tasmanian Environment Centre library, the State Education Library, the Coastcare coordinators or can be purchased from the Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association (see further information on the link to theSeadragon' s Lair video).

Waratah anemones

1. Common plants and animals in a Tasmanian rock pool - how they fit into the food web A set of 20 slides that illustrates some of the plants and animals commonly found in rock pools and rock platforms around the Tasmanian coastline. The video runs for about 15 minutes. The notes give the name and scientific classification of the organisms and describe some of the more interesting features of their ecology; in particular their methods of feeding to demonstrate how they fit into the food web, and some examples of their different methods of reproduction.  

Ray and draughtboard shark eggs in beach-wash

2. Common plants and animals you might find beachcombing in Tasmania A set of 20 slides that illustrates some of the plants and animals commonly found washed up on Tasmanian beaches; many are shown as they appear when alive, underwater. The video runs for about 20 minutes. 

Draughtboard shark
(Graeme Colllins)


3. Diversity of Plants and Animals in Marine Habitats in Tasmania

A set of 40 slides that show a sample of the plants and animals that live in six different marine habitats in Tasmania: 
Low energy beach, 
Medium energy beach 
High energy rock platform 
Kelp forest 
Deep reef 
Open ocean   
Video commentary by Rhoda Leslie

Slides and notes by Jane Elek  and Graeme Collins, Seadragon Films, (where acknowledged)

Funded by 
a Coastcare Natural Heritage Trust grant,

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