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SuccessNow Forum

Jefferson Community


Technical College

Online Magazine of Ideas

Success in 1st 15 Credit Hours

SuccessNow: A Component of NEXUS


Literature Review


Foundation Papers on the Learning College


Best Ideas at LaGuardia, Sinclair and Valencia Community College


Community College of Denver (from In Pursuit of Excellence)


Barriers: False Assumptions Existing in Pockets at JCTC to Valencia, Sinclair, LaGuardia “Best Practices”


JCTC Teaching/Learning Professional Development


Guidelines for Evaluating the Freshmen Year


Are You Ready for the Next Generation of Students


Lumina Foundation Focus | Introduction


Rationale for Valencia’s Approach to the First Year


LaGuardia Community College: Rationale for LaGuardia's Approach to the First Year


Developmental and ESL Learning Communities at LaGuardia Community College


Building an Instructional Framework for Effective Community College Developmental Education


A Study to Formulate a Learning Assistance Model for the California Community College


California Community College - two-year study of adult education/literaccy and community colleges


Best Practices in Developmental Mathematics


Lumina – Paths to Persistence


MetLife Best Practice on Student Success Winners


CCSSE Highlights - Best practices in Retention for 2004-2005


Foundational Dimensions (Two-Year College Version)


The Challenge of Access and Persistence


Sinclair Community College PowerPoint


Institutions of Excellence in the First College Year 


Institutions Excel in Providing First-Year Programs


Addressing retention issues early


First Year Experience: Are We Making It Any Better?


Keeping students an issue for colleges


Purdue Retention Initiatives


Freshmen Orientation Social Integration


Freshmen Year


12 Principles of Program Delivery


Retention Directions