Teaching the Truth: Studies

Notes on Galatians 3:1-14
Giving in the Bible
What is the Gospel?
Love without truth
The WORD of God - RHEMA vs. LOGOS: Its meaning and uses
Salvation for the world! A study on the universalistic passages of salvation
Christian thinking
Should we hold on to the truth, or turn into mush?
What’s first: Rapture or apostasy?
Who's Free: God or "Man?"
Paul's epistle to the Galatians: An exegetical study - Will need the SIL Galatia Greek font and the SIL Ezra Hebrew font.
The promises of Abraham: Who do they belong to today?
Hearing God - Moving in the Prophetic: A Critique
Personal Prophecies: A means by which we can fight the good fight?
The Reformation: Unleashing salvation
Church History: Saving us from ourselves
The world as it is: Psychobabble?
The Christmas Challenge: The forgotten Christ
Christophobia: Liberal at work!
The Relevant Church: Soft-peddling the Gospel?
Convictions: How are we bound by them?
Despising God's Glory
Writings from Elsewhere
Of Prayer by John Calvin taken from Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion.
Sections marked in red are the sections I have marked as special portions in my own book copy of the Institutes. Portions marked in [blue brackets] are meanings of obscure or little used words.
The Sovereignty Of God In Providence by John Reisinger from Sound of Grace. This is an excellent free booklet on the subject of God's sovereignty in the way He runs the universe.
The Sovereignty Of God In Prayer by John Reisinger from Sound of Grace. This is an excellent free booklet on the subject of God's sovereignty in prayer.


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