Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 24th January 1996, Sci-Fi Channel

Jupiter Moon
Episode 113

Written by Julian Spilsbury
Directed by Mike Holgate

Brelan makes Tim adjust the temperatures again so that Gantry 4 is warm and Gantry 2 is cold. Tim worried that if he blocks the students access codes to prevent them locking into Petra again, he will be ostracised when the sit in is over.

Brelan agrees to raise the heating in his own suite for Melody's sake - once all other students have left it.

Daniel and Phillipe go down to the Dome to find food. Drummond follows and tries to head them off at the hub. Tim jams the lift and Daniel and Phillipe get back to Gantry 2 safely.

Mercedes is unwell - she needs to return to Gantry 2 to rest. Melody and Daniel agree to leave Brelan's suite so she can convalesce in there.

The students begin to drift away from Gantry 2. Anna, worried about her place at Columbus, decides to go back.

Christophe gives Finbow a full medical and discovers he has cateracts caused by over exposure to radiation. He will have to recommend that Finbow return to Earth.

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