Original UK Transmission: Friday 20th April 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 12

Written by Julian Spilsbury
Directed by Clive Fleury


"Okay? Well, I've virtually lost all my possessions, er... me and my friends were nearly blown to atoms, but otherwise..." - Herlinde Gothard

Rosie is supervising the moving of stores from Gantry 2. She tells Eliot that some of the girls have been relocated there, and that the rations situation is not good.

Timmy helps Alex move some of the stores to the club. Alex persuades Timmy to steal a box of provisions.

Sara and Melody count the cost of what they have lost. Herlinde tells them that what matters is that they are still alive. Fiona arrives to arrange a meeting of the students. They wonder where they will be relocated. Alex arrives and tells Herlinde that there is a spare bed in his room.

Mercedes demands to be involved in the meeting in Comcen. Eliot tells everyone that in the light or yesterday's near catastrophe, they are not going to attempt to move the ship again.

Fiona tells the students of the meeting in Comcen. Chantal, as a post-graduate, is involved, and Fiona says that the students should be involved also. She demands they march on Comcen, but Jean-Francois advocates approaching Rosie first.

Timmy visits Alex for some of the stolen chocolate. Alex gives him some and tells him that there will soon be rationing.

Finbow disagrees with Eliot's orders, but agrees to go along with them under protest.

Herlinde complains about being put back in with Anna Begani. She also fears that Finbow, only three doors down the corridor, will take advantage of their situation.

Rosie thanks Alex for his help in saving the girls. She agrees to speak up for him. Jean-Francois arrives in Medicom to speak to Rosie on behalf of the students.

Finbow visits Herlinde to see if she is okay. She complains that she has been put back with Anna. He tells her that should she ever want anything, his door is always open.

Rosie discusses the ration situation with Eliot. They have eight weeks only, but if they consume only 900 calories per day that will give them sixteen weeks. There are only enough water purifier tablets to last four months, so they must restrict use of the showers. She tell Eliot about the near attack on Alex Hartman, and that Jean-Francois has visited her on behalf of all the students. She says that if they want the students to behave like responsible adults, they must treat them that way. He must tell them the truth.

Mercedes and Alex share a drink in his cabin. He wonders why she is out here. She tells him she wants to be part of the future. He simply wants to get rich.

A nervous Eliot prepares to address a group of students.

Chantal is working hard to understand the storm. James feels she is pushing herself to hard. He tells her she needs a break.

Eliot tells the students that they know nothing about the storm, but he feels that they are still where they always were. He tells them that the rumours of the Helium 3 plant blowing up, and stories of space serpents are nonsense. Jean-Francois asks about the food situation, and is told that the 900 calories per day limit and water restrictions are purely precautionary measures.

In the club, Rosie tells Eliot that the students are coping better than they are. Eliot feels that the Ilea is his last stop before the knackers yard, and that Finbow may one day get his job.

Sara visits Alex and tells him that she is grateful for what he did during the evacuation. He says he is glad he did it. Herlinde visits Finbow, who thinks that Eliot has lost his nerve. He tells her that if it wasn't for her he would not have a reason for living. She can't get through to him.

Rosie puts a drunken Eliot to bed on the bridge, in the duty bunk.

In the Dome, Chantal is telling James about her theories. She is concerned about the way disaster struck just as they were about to move, and wonders if something is playing with them. She thinks that the plasma ball may be alive, watching and waiting for them to move again...

Cast and Production Credits

Rosemary Greenwood
Carolyn Backhouse

Eliot Creasy
Andy Rashleigh

Timothy Shaw
Andrew Read

Alex Hartmann
Jason Durr

Sara Robbins
Karen Murden

Herlinde Gothard
Nikki Brooks

Melody Shaw
Suzy Cooper

Fiona McBride
Lucy Benjamin

Finbow Lewis
Phil Willmott

James Bromwich
Richard Lintern

Chantal de Grecy
Caroline Evans

Mercedes Page
Anna Chancellor

Jean-Francois Baul
Ashley Russell

Paul Gilpin

Costume Design
Charlotte Walter

Alan Parker

Special Effects
The Image Facility and
Boris Masnik at
Barrandov Film Studios

Studio Facilities
Central Television

International Co-producers
RPTA and
Axel Springer/Multimedia

Additional Visuals
The Anglo Australian

Scientific Adviser
Bob Parkinson
-British Aerospace

Script Editors
Diane Culverhouse
Nicola Venning

Associate Producer
Matt McCarthy

Produced by
William Smethurst

A Primetime-Andromeda Production 1990

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