Original UK Transmission: Thursday 1st February 1996, Sci-Fi Channel

Jupiter Moon
Episode 126

Written by Margaret Phelan
Directed by Andrew Higgs

Finbow tells Fiona and Tim that Charles will have to go. Space City Security are coming up to take the hamster away.

It is the dress rehearsal for Romeo and Juliet - it is a shambles without Gaby. A message comes through - Gaby, Victoria and Drummond are stranded at Simpson Base for another night. Gaby will miss the play.

Byron has to ask Anna to play Juliet. Zadoc refuses to act with her so Jim plays Romeo.

Charles is put though Medicom and pronounced fit. The security men arrive. Tim appeals to Brelan who tells the security men that Charles is a licensed Daedalus hamster and therefore able to stay on the Ilea.

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