Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 28th March 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 2

Written by William Smethurst
Directed by Kay Patrick


"Have you contacted Professor Brelan for me? He's the expert on Parkinson's Star. After all, he's planning to go there. You'd think he'd be interested in a black hole opening right across his flight path!" - Finbow Lewis

With Victoria now sleeping, Piers and Rosie discuss previous virus outbreaks. Only forty people out of two hundred survived the Mars epidemic, and those that did were hardly what you'd call "alive".

Rosie places Gantry 4 in quarantine and orders everyone to wear surgical masks to prevent contagion. Sara calls Bob and tells him that Victoria may have "the plague". Sara still wonders what Bob's promised surprise could be.

Rosie contacts Space City Medical Centre who feel that Victoria's calcium deficiency has been caused by her nine month trip from Earth, not by a space virus. The medical officer feels that by putting Victoria in isolation they will be putting unnecessary pressure on her. Piers overhears the conversation, and is angry that Victoria's father still has her GFP, and that they are seen to be overreacting.

Finbow and Eliot discuss the possibility that Space City will not send up an engineer to fix the scanner until the end of the week. Finbow blames the engineers attitude on cannabis.

Piers visits Victoria who says she is alright now, but she felt the air being sucked out of the cabin the previous night. Piers says the the cabin now has its own air supply and that she is being isolated. Victoria panics as she doesn't want to be left on her own.

In the common room, Fiona tells Timmy that she knows he has been hacking into the computer for chocolate bars. He tells Fiona that he feels unwell.

Victoria wants to speak to her father, but Piers tells her that there is an electrical storm cutting off communications. He returns to the cabin that he shares with James. James asks Piers if he would go on Daedalus, but Piers would rather return to Earth. Physics lecturer, Chantal de Grecy arrives and they discuss Finbow's sighting, annoying a passing Rosie by removing their masks. Chantal finds a Daedalus confidential briefing, but James says that he is merely taking an interest.

Back in the common room., Rosie snaps at Sara for removing her mask to take a drink. After Rosie leaves Timmy collapses.

Sara fetches Piers from his cabin. As he tends to Timmy in the common room, Rosie receives a call from Space City confirming that Victoria has not got a space virus. Piers enters Medicom, concerned that Timmy appears to be suffering from similar symptoms to Victoria. Rosie storms to the common room and informs everyone that Victoria is well. The emergency is over... except for Timmy!

Rosie lectures Timmy on defrauding the computer and eating to much chocolate. His medical is tomorrow and, if he fails again, she will not speak up for him. He later refuses Fiona's offer of a VitaChoc bar, and tells her that he is giving up sweets.

A shuttle docks with Professor Brelan on board.

In the common room, Sara and Chantal discuss Herlinde's new found problem with Finbow, and the nature of Bob's surprise. Chantal suggests that he may be arriving on the Valencia that is due in Space Harbour soon. Herlinde joins them... closely followed by Finbow, who promises to see her at Thursday's disco. Herlinde is not pleased.

In the Dome, James and Brelan discuss the college, which Brelan feels is a waste of valuable resources. Brelan tries to convince James to join Daedalus. He tells James that a junior member of the team will be coming on board the next day, and encourages him to talk his situation over with her.

Finbow and Eliot discuss the scanner abnormality. Finbow wishes he could show it to Professor Brelan. Whilst talking with Space City, he discovers that Brelan is on the Ilea, and calls him back to Comcen before he can leave on the shuttle.

Victoria tries to contact her father, but the electrical storm over Io is causing too much interference. She becomes hysterical. Later, Sara and Herlinde visit her and she tells them that she did feel that the air was being sucked out of the cabin. She is certain that there is something out there. Something awful.

In Comcen Brelan dismisses Finbow's theories and blames the abnormalities on a scanner malfunction. Finbow thanks him for his interest, but tells James that it isn't an equipment malfunction.

Cast and Production Credits

Victoria Frobisher
Nicola Wright

Piers Gilpin
Dominic Arnold

Rosie Greenwood
Carolyn Backhouse

Sara Robbins
Karen Murden

Herlinde Gothard
Nikki Brooks

Timothy Shaw
Andrew Read

Finbow Lewis
Phil Willmott

Eliot Creasy
Andy Rashleigh

Medical Officer
Leon Tanner

Fiona McBride
Lucy Benjamin

James Bromwich
Richard Lintern

Chantal de Grecy
Caroline Evans

Charlotte Martin

Professor Brelan
Richard Derrington

Space City Officer
Terry Molloy

Paul Gilpin

Costume Design
Charlotte Walter

Alan Parker

Special Effects
The Image Facility and
Boris Masnik at
Barrandov Film Studios

Studio Facilities
Central Television

International Co-producers
RPTA and
Axel Springer/Multimedia

Additional Visuals
The Anglo Australian

Scientific Adviser
Bob Parkinson
-British Aerospace

Script Editors
Diane Culverhouse
Nicola Venning

Associate Producer
Matt McCarthy

Produced by
William Smethurst

A Primetime-Andromeda Production 1990

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