Original UK Transmission: Friday 30th March 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 3

Written by Julian Spilsbury
Directed by Kay Patrick


"There's nothing new under the sun." - Eliot Creasy

Professor Brelan reveals to James that Eliot has expressed official concern about Finbow's sanity.

Finbow remains convinced that something is out there. Eliot, however, remains unconvinced and again blames the outdated equipment.

In the common room, Timmy worries about Petra quizzing him about his diet. Melody and Jean-Francois say that it is for his own good.

Finbow visits Herlinde in a study lab and complains to her that Eliot is treating him like an idiot and holding him back. He apologises for embarrassing her, but he feels he can talk to her. Sara enters, to Herlinde's relief, and Finbow leaves.

Eliot speaks to Dick, the Space City medical officer, about reassigning Finbow and removing him from the Ilea. Dick is at first reluctant, but then agrees to see what he can do when he hears that Finbow has been chasing girls.

In the gym, Petra quizzes Timmy about his diet. He lies about his use of the vending machine.

Rosie talks to James about his medical results. He seems unhappy at being declared 100% fit, despite this being the last major obstacle to being accepted on Daedalus. He worries about his family, but feels he may be using them as an excuse not to go. Rosie tells him that she would go on Daedalus tomorrow.

Timmy complains to Melody and Jean-Francois about not being able to eat today's sweet - chocolate mousse. Once they have left the common room, Victoria gives Timmy hers.

As a shuttle approaches the Ilea, Eliot argues with Finbow. He demands that Finbow take some leave, as he feels he has become obsessed about the abnormality. They fail to hear Petra's warning that the ship's docking collar has retracted. Their argument becomes heated when Eliot mentions Finbow's interest in Herlinde. With the shuttle only five metres away, they finally hear Petra's warning. They look on as the shuttle collides with the Ilea and something breaks off.

As Eliot attempts to contact the shuttle, Finbow checks the instruments. He realises that the docking collar must have got stuck half way out and then retracted. Eliot wonders if he knows any space lawyers. They finally manage to contact the pilot who informs them that he'll be coming aboard - as soon as he's crow-barred the door open. Rosie contacts the bridge from the common room to report that all students are safe and accounted for - ankle deep in chocolate mousse!

Finbow meets the pilot and asks him what he saw. The pilot tells him that he could see where the "very important bit" had sheared off. Passenger, Mercedes Page, introduces herself and is directed to Gantry 4. The pilot enters the bridge and introduces himself as Cats Kitebrook, and immediately wins Eliot over as a fellow Cranfield man. Eliot admits that the accident is down to the Ilea, but Cats agrees to put it down to computer failure when he hears about Eliots problems with Finbow's eccentricities. Cats asks who the college bursar is these days...

Finbow goes to the entryport to assess the damage, and meets student Daniel Wetherby, who has been celebrating the new year in Space City.

Mercedes is allocated Cabin 4 with religious student Anna Begani. Mercedes feels at a loss amongst Anna's paraphernalia, and apologises for not being religious. Anna enthusiastically offers to talk to her about it sometime.

Timmy's deception is discovered, but he tries to wriggle out of it. Rosie gives him a new diet and exercise programme. As Timmy leaves, Rosie's old flame Cats enters, much to her delight. She is thrilled to hear that she will have him to herself for a few days while the shuttle awaits repair.

Daniel, after returning to the cabin he shares with Jean-Francois, prepares for a card game with Cats, forcing Jean-Francois and Melody to go to her cabin. Melody tells Jean-Francois that she does not like Daniel or the way he looks at her. She also worries that Jean-Francois will soon be leaving.

In the dome, Mercedes introduces herself to James as a fellow Daedalus member. They discuss the expedition and Mercedes is surprised at James' reluctance in deciding whether or not to go. She worries that the Ilea has been overrun by religious fundamentalists.

Timmy struggles with his exercises, whilst in Comcen a distracted Finbow studies a portrait of Herlinde. He then tries to find the abnormality, but it has disappeared from its co-ordinates. Petra informs him that there is no trace of any abnormality. Finbow wonders if he is going mad.

Mercedes visits Cats in the guest cabin. He tells her that he wants to sleep alone, despite the fact that they spent new year together. He feigns tiredness in an attempt to get rid of her, but it is too late, Rosie arrives for her date with Cats. As Rosie and Mercedes greet each other icily, Cats becomes distinctly uncomfortable...

Cast and Production Credits

Professor Brelan
Richard Derrington (uncredited)

Eliot Creasy
Andy Rashleigh

Finbow Lewis
Phil Willmott

Timothy Shaw
Andrew Read

Melody Shaw
Suzy Cooper

Jean-Francois Baul
Ashley Russell

Herlinde Gothard
Nikki Brooks

Sara Robbins
Karen Murden

Medical Officer
Leon Tanner

Charlotte Martin

Rosie Greenwood
Carolyn Backhouse

James Bromwich
Richard Lintern

Cats Kitebrook
Toby Rolt

Mercedes Page
Anna Chancellor

Daniel Wetherby
Daniel Beales

Anna Begani
Anna Pernicci

Paul Gilpin

Costume Design
Charlotte Walter

Alan Parker

Special Effects
The Image Facility and
Boris Masnik at
Barrandov Film Studios

Studio Facilities
Central Television

International Co-producers
RPTA and
Axel Springer/Multimedia

Additional Visuals
The Anglo Australian

Scientific Adviser
Bob Parkinson
-British Aerospace

Script Editors
Diane Culverhouse
Nicola Venning

Associate Producer
Matt McCarthy

Produced by
William Smethurst

A Primetime-Andromeda Production 1990

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