Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 13th June 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 35

Written by Margaret Phelan
Directed by Kay Patrick


"God, you could see little green men on the other side of Io with that." - Mercedes Page

Sara returns to her cabin and finds Melody and Jean-Francois together again. He congratulates her on the quiz win. She asks them that if they thought something was wrong with the final score, would they say anything?

In the club, Mercedes tells James that Brelan will not sack him. Chantal tells him that the Professor doesn't like people who stand up to him. Mercedes tells her of Brelan's interest in Amalthea, but James wonders why the Professor is so interested in the SAM files. Chantal says they should try to find out what he is after.

Harriet finds Sara, Melody and Jean-Francois celebrating in the lobby. She tells Melody that it is not fair on her room-mates for Jean-Francois to stay. Harriet congratulates Sara on the quiz and tells Jean-Francois she wants to see him in her room.

In the Dome, Chantal gives Daniel her congratulations. Mercedes apologises for not turning up, but Fiona tells her that it was for the best. Chantal tells Mercedes she should take a stance on the business between the Professor and James. James asks Fiona for her help with the SAM files. Chantal asks Mercedes to threaten to resign so that Brelan will reinstate James.

Harriet tells Jean-Francois and Melody that he does not belong on board, and they are abusing Victoria and Sara's friendship. Harriet bans Jean-Francois from the ship. Melody calls her a vicious old cow, and Harriet threatens to ban her too. Melody accuses Harriet of being jealous as she has never been in love, and leaves.

The next day, Chantal and James watch as Fiona tries to access the SAM files. Fiona recognises a poem as being an access code. She tries to find the audio track, but Petra reveals that there is no access log.

In the Stardust Cafe, Brelan and Mercedes order lunch. Jean-Francois complains to the Professor about being trivialised by his posting as a waiter, but Brelan doesn't want to know. Brelan tells Mercedes that he wants to use the Ilea, in conjunction with the arrays in Space City, to scan Amalthea.

Daniel tells Sara, who has been hounding him, that he did not cheat. She tells him he will have to own up as they cannot take Moonstation's place in the next round. He tells her to go away.

Fiona has managed to call up the Mars I crew manifest. They discover that the navigator was called David Brelan...

Brelan arrives on the Ilea with Mercedes. They are met by Harriet, who thinks that Brelan could at least have asked her permission to use the Ilea's scanners.

Melody is exercising in the Dome with Sara and Fiona when a call from Space City is announced. Sara tells Fiona that Daniel cheated. Fiona isn't surprised and complains about Anna and her make-up. Sara thinks she has been acting "really weird" ever since she 'met' Hanka.

Jean-Francois tells Melody he is leaving the cafe and is coming to talk to Harriet.

In Comcen, Mercedes asks Brelan to take James back. James comes onto the bridge and tells Brelan that he now knows why Brelan was so interested in the SAM files. He asks if David Brelan was his father.

Sara tells Chantal about her suspicions about Daniel, and wants to know if she should tell Harriet. Chantal tells her that Harriet probably already knows.

Jean-Francois tells Harriet that he wants to go to Scanlab, but the job has now gone. She tells him that he had his chance and he blew it.

Brelan tells James that he was only eleven when his father died. He asks James back on the team, but James feels that he cannot trust him, and leaves.

Sara tells Harriet about Daniel, but Harriet tells her that Moonstation are the biggest cheats in the solar system. Sara feels that they cannot go on to the next round, but Harriet awkwardly tells her that they will just have to.

Brelan instructs Mercedes in setting up the scan. She wonders what he is expecting to see, and tells him that James is right. How can they act responsibly if they don't know what is going on? Brelan can't afford to start any rumours, but tells her that they saw something solid, keeping station in the lea of Amalthea. Mercedes doesn't understand what it could be and asks him if he thinks it might be a ship. He tells her that it could be the Copernicus.

Cast and Production Credits

Daniel Wetherby
Daniel Beales

Enzo Paglicci
Graeme Kirk

Anna Begani
Anna Pernicci

Harriet Bullock
Kathryn Hurlbutt

Victoria Frobisher
Nicola Wright

Sara Robbins
Karen Murden

Piers Gilpin
Dominic Arnold

Melody Shaw
Suzy Cooper

Jean-Francois Baul
Ashley Russell

Chantal de Grecy
Caroline Evans

Mercedes Page
Anna Chancellor

James Bromwich
Richard Lintern

Charlotte Martin

Fiona McBride
Lucy Benjamin

Sunny Ormonde

Professor Brelan
Richard Derrington

Paul Gilpin

Costume Design
Charlotte Walter

Alan Parker

Special Effects
The Image Facility and
Boris Masnik at
Barrandov Film Studios

Central Television Facilities

International Co-producers
RPTA and
Axel Springer/Multimedia

Additional Visuals
The Anglo Australian

Additional Music

Scientific Adviser
Bob Parkinson
-British Aerospace

Script Editors
Diane Culverhouse
Jane Fallon
Nicola Venning

Associate Producers
Matt McCarthy
Margaret Mitchell

Produced by
William Smethurst

A Primetime-Andromeda Production 1990

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