Original UK Transmission: Friday 20th July 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 51

Written by Nick Warburton
Directed by William Slater

Tim is discovered in Space City having hitched a lift down on a refuse shuttle. He approaches Brelan and is told that he consider himself part of the Daedalus team when he returns from Mars.

Stefan arrives on the Ilea to give lectures.

Harriet decides to allow Melody to continue singing at the Stardust but only 3 nights a week. Lili assures Melody that she can sing on Friday's, the busiest night.

Harry tells Melody and Fiona that the Valencia's cargo hold is about to be opened up and he may be able to get his hands on some make-up and clothes for them.

Eliot introduces Rebecca to Stefan and we discover that they are married but seperated when they arrived in Callisto.

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