Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 8th August 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 59

Written by Julian Spilsbury
Directed by Betsan Morris-Evans

The Brazilian crew from the Santa Maria arouse suspicion. Carena Corporation - de Grecy and Stefan - video them while supposedly taping Melody singing.

Anna warns Melody about her fears of Jean-Francois and Victoria's romance. Anna also tells Daniel, who promptly offers Jean-Francois and Victoria his room to work in, while making yet another unsuccessful go for Melody.

Stefan wants Rebecca back and hints he knows about Tim's fake test. She ignores him.

Rebecca resolves to help Anna with her exams. Vanda agrees to have dinner with Daniel then suggests going back to his place. Daniel can't believe his luck.

de Grecy and Stefan ponder the reason behind the Brazilian "pirates" visit.

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