Original UK Transmission: Friday 10th August 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 60

Written by Julian Spilsbury
Directed by Betsan Morris-Evans

With Victoria's help. Jean-Francois has decided upon his thesis project. Anna, hungover, starts her affiliation programme on Petra, with Finbow and Rebecca's assistance.

Eliot tells Finbow about the Santa Maria which he thinks might have military capabilities. Meanwhile, de Grecy and Stefan meet Amado - Captain of the Santa Maria - who, though cool, seeks information on valuable heavy metal chemistry.

Neither Sara or Herlinde believe Anna's theories about Jean-Francois and Victoria. Anna hints to Melody who misunderstands her.

Sara warns off Victoria from Jean-Francois - who becomes very upset. Jean-Francois tries to comfort her and they end up in a passionate embrace.

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