Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 15th August 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 62

Written by Simon Frith
Directed by William Slater

Stefan tells Finbow that the University of Salvador cannot identify any of the Santa Maria's crew. He warns Eliot to be careful what he says in front of Amado.

Melody plans Jean-Francois birthday surprise.

Finbow explains his theory to Stefan - that the Santa Maria has been in Jupiter System for 3 weeks.

Piers, Harriet and Jean-Francois discuss Melody at a departmental meeting and Piers volunteers to warn Melody that she will not pass the year unless her work improves.

Amado and the Amazons board the Ilea. They press Eliot for information about Ganymede and become threatening when he is unable to give it.

Jean-Francois tells Victoria he loves her. For Melody's sake she wants their relationship to cool off for a while.

Amado and co. prepare to leave on the shuttle. de Grecy gets a call from Earth telling him that the Santa Maria is at Space Colony. Eliot and Finbow try to abort the shuttle.

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