Original UK Transmission: Monday 10th September 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 73

Written by Graham Harvey
Directed by David Andrews

The Ilea is still en route to intercept the Santa Maria. The Santa Maria's shuttle is sighted moving away from Leda.

Daniel and Vanda argue about the railgun. Vanda believes that firing it would be dangerous and irresponsible.

The Santa Maria sends a missile but with a radar tracking device to let the Ilea know it is coming. The Ilea does a sideways burn to avoid it.

Anna gets fed up of sharing her cabin with Victoria and Jean-Francois. She looks, unsuccessfully, for somewhere else to stay.

Brelan tells Daniel to prepare to fire the railgun.

Melody, Sara and Herlinde do a Galaxy Girl's performance at the end of exams party in front of Jean-Francois and Victoria.

A message comes through from Amado just as Daniel is about to fire the gun - the Santa Maria is prepared to negotiate.

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