Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 19th September 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 77

Written by Joanne Maguire
Directed by David Dunn

The Ilea, badly damaged, limps back to Callisto. Finbow tries to repair the comms Antennae but Petra still cannot pick up a signal.

Melody is in pain but is most hurt by Jean-Francois' "neglect".

Finbow thoughtlessly initiates an emergency drill which causes much discomfort.

Herlinde decides she is going to follow Alex to Mars, even though Paul tries to dissuade her.

Jean-Francois demands a staff-cabin for himself and Victoria but meets with little sympathy.

Brelan asks Mercedes again to marry him and she declines. He is very low and anxious about the future of the Daedalus project.

Jean-Francois promises Victoria he'll never hurt or leave her.

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