Original UK Transmission: Monday 24th September 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 79

Written by Jonathan Myserson
Directed by William Slater

Brelan is running tests on titanium alloy in the hope of finding a substitute for molybdenum. The tests show it to be unsuitable.

Jean-Francois and Victoria settle into their staff cabin after cooking a couple of disastrous meals there.

Sara and Victoria settle their differences. Sara consults the new doctor, Christophe.

Mercedes has been analysing the amount of molybdenum left behind by the pirates on Leda - 4 tonnes. Daedalus needs 240. Brelan tells Mercedes that it doesn't matter - titanium alloy will do.

The exam results arrive. Sara has failed four out of six. Melody has passed everything. Anna has failed everything except theoretical physics in which she gained one of the highest marks ever recorded. Daniel and Jim have lost a fortune.

Paul tells Mercedes about the results of the tests on titanium alloy. She is furious with Brelan for lying to her.

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