Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 26th September 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 80

Written by Ben Aaronovitch
Directed by William Slater

Two new students, Gaby and Philippe, arrive on the Ilea. Daniel and Jim immediately try to find ways to get money out of them. Rebecca puts them in Sara's room initially and then Philippe is moved in with Daniel.

Anna's theoretical physics paper is still causing controversy. It is agreed that she will have to retake the five exams she failed but she will have special facilities laid on for research into theoretical physics.

Anna tries to befriend Gaby and Philippe.

Journalist Sabine Galland interviews Brelan about the effects of the lost molybdenum on Daedalus. He tells her they still have enough left. She asks Ruby Kumara, Callisto's late night DJ, for information on Finbow.

Eliot notices that Petra is talking to Ruby. He discovers that Ruby Kumara is, in fact, a software programme set up by Sabine. The DJ is a computer voice. Sabine is using the programme as an information service.

Meanwhile Finbow is having Dinner with Sabine. He unwittingly tells her that Daedalus has lost all its molybdenum.

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