Original UK Transmission: Friday 28th September 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 81

Written by Ben Aaronovitch
Directed by William Slater

Sabine tells Brelan about her conversation with Finbow.

Finbow comes back from Space City elated by his evening out with Sabine. When Eliot tells him the implications of what he has done Finbow is distraught.

Victoria asks Daniel to phone his father at the University of Hamburg to find out whether Jean-Francois' thesis proposal has been accepted. Daniel takes bets on the outcome.

Sabine tries to sell her story about Daedalus but Brelan cuts the line to Earth.

Brelan tells Eliot that he wants him to remain as Captain of the Ilea.

Sara collapses in the Studylab. She has stress induced asthma.

Jean-Francois gets news of his thesis proposal - it needs more work. He is furious that Victoria discussed it with Daniel.

Brelan tells Mercedes he is working and then entertains Sabine in his cabin. Mercedes walks in on them.

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