Original UK Transmission: Friday 12th October 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 87

Written by Joanne Maguire
Directed by David Dunn

It is Jean-Francois' last day on the Ilea. He tries to speak to Melody but she avoids him.

Melody's allowance has arrived and she plans a night out to celebrate.

The Ilea docks in Space Harbour for an overhaul. During routine checks a leak in one of the radiators is discovered. The ship is overheating. Finbow goes out to fix it.

Victoria and Jean-Francois say goodbye on the Ilea.

Rebecca and Christophe have dinner together.

Daniel and Jim try unsuccessfully to get some of Melody's money. Daniel tells Melody that Jean-Francois is leaving. She rushes to the transit lounge and they say goodbye.

Paul is concerned about Finbow. An EVA on a spinning gantry arm is different to anything else. It can be dangerous. He calls Christophe away from his dinner with Rebecca.

Daniel and Jim decide to steal two boxes of food which rebecca has ordered.

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