Original UK Transmission: Wednesday 31st October 1990, BSB Galaxy

Jupiter Moon
Episode 95

Written by Ben Aaronovitch
Directed by David Andrews

Finbow recruits Daniel to help him locate the elusive Achilles Shield File.

Eliot reminisces with his diary over the past and Mary Venables.

The Achilles File proves elusive as Petra has been programmed to hide it from hackers - it contains details of the infamous murder on the Michaelangelo Expedition.

Eliot gives Melody more information and Finbow and Daniel manage to break into the file, thereby instigating a disturbing program answering to Captain Cordweller.

A hanger fault is recorded which Paul goes out to repair. At the last minute Daniel realises that this is a hoax and part of the murder programme set up by Cordweller. He warns Finbow and Melody - but too late. The hanger doors open and an object hurtles out into distant space.

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