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For easier viewing, we give an actual description of the pictures, beside the file name, instead of having you download a picture to see what it is to see what it is.


hubert.gif - A picture of 86 holding a violin with 99 trying to look over to see what he's doing. The picture is inside Controls lab.

hymie2.gif - A picture of Hymie. The quality of this picture is pretty poor.

kaos.gif - A picture of Siegfried and Starker on Schwartz's Island.

kiss.gif - You guessed it, Max and 99 kissing.

maxpost.gif - A "poster" of Maxwell Smart, holding his gun with an idle grin.

oohah.gif - Max in a black & white lemon face.

tiedup.gif - A picture of Max and 99 tied up on a chair, having their backs against each other. They both have faces of foolishness on them, so to speak.

Maxwell.Smart.gif - This picture shows Maxwell Smart holding his gun. Probably the highest quality picture of Maxwell Smart floating on the Internet.