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Don't you just love 'em?

Shawn: We haven't talked in six years.
Eric: Not even that year we lived together.
Shawn: I totally forgot about that. When was that?
(Thinking) That waaaasss...last year.

Topanga: Why are you so obsessed with sex?
Cory: Because I don't get any.

Cory: (Agitated) You and Jack are so perfect for each other, you should be married!
Eric: (Shocked) I'm not ready!

Episode: "Brothers"

Cory: Hey, Eric.
Eric: How did you find me?
Cory: You live here.
Not anymore, I don't. I've entered the Witness Protection Program.
Cory: But, Eric, you didn't witness any crime.
Eric: I hit my father, I saw the whole thing.(*)

Episode: "Raging Cory"

Topanga: He tried every way he knew how to get us back together.
Cory: Okay, listen, there is only one thing to do.
Feeny: Ho ho, is that the Stupid Idea Train comin' round the bend?
Cory: We have to pretend to still be apart for his sake.
Feeny: All aboard! Woo woo!*^*

Episode: "Honesty Night"

Cory: It's so simple, we'll set it up so he can reunite us.
Topanga: It's not a great plan, it's an anti-great plan.
Feeny: If I may, five words- "Topanga is correct..."
Cory: That's only three.
Feeny: "...You moron!"*^*

Episode: "Honesty Night"

Shawn: Wait a minute. You told Feeny before you told me?
Cory: Yes!
Shawn: Who cares! The main thing is your back together.
Cory: We're not now, you just broke us up again.
Shawn: You're jest telling me that so I can put you back together again. I don't like your sick games, Cory The Mind Bender.*^*

Episode: "Honesty Night"

Feeny: Alright, everyone, the bus will be there in a few minutes. Now remember even though this ski trip is about having fun, we live in a land of laws which must be obeyed if this society is to survive. In other words, I'll be watching you two. (Looks to Cory and Shawn)
Shawn: All I heard is "fun"!*^*

Episode: "Heartbreak Cory"

Feeny: Now remember, I don't want another incident like last year's fiasco in the Amish country.
Cory: Why's everyone looking at me?*^*

Episode: "Heartbreak Cory"

Ben- The Cory look-alike: (Reading script of Kid Gets Acquainted With Universe)  "I don't know, Shane, I've got a really bad feeling about this.  You know I've never done anything like this before..."  Oh man.(Gets angry, throws script and runs over to the director)We're doing this story again?  How many times have we done this, Matt? A hundred-thousand?!
Snider- The Shawn look-alike: He's yelling again. Stop the yelling!
Cory/Ben: (Still angry) You know how can I learn so much every week and still be so stupid!
Shawn/Snider: (Covers his ears, whining) Oh, make him stop! Make him stop!
Matt: (Trying to calm him down) Ok, we'll get the writers to fix it. Come on, Ben, we've got the best writers in town.
Cory/Ben: (Furious)  Yeah, that's all I hear, Matt. They're young, they're hip, they're fun! (Runs over to a table of young kids- the writers.)****

Episode: "Eric Hollywood"

Topanga: Yeah, Shawn, you were wrong about Feeny and you're wrong about this.
Shawn: You were wrong to break up with Cory!
Topanga: What does that have to do with anything?
Shawn: Did any of this happen while you two were still together?
Topanga: No.
Shawn: You've killed us. You've killed us all.
Eric: Hey, hey! Now there's only two people horribly dead here, that's an acceptable loss!

Episode: "And Then There Was Shawn"

Cory: Shawn, I don't know what you have in your guitar case, but I have an egg salad sandwich in mine.

Episode: "Band On The Run"

Cory: We gotta go.
Alan's Friend: Break a leg!
Shawn: Yeah, that's our backup plan.

Episode: "Band On The Run"

Cory: Good evening, John Adams High! (Crowd cheers) Are you ready to rock? (Crowd cheers) Are you ready to roll? (Crowd cheers again) Are you ready to rock and roll?! (Crowd cheers even more)
Shawn: Goodnight, everybody! (Begins to walk off stage)

Episode: "Band On The Run"

Eric: (Looking at Alan's jacket) You wore those?
Alan: Yeah, it was our "look."
Eric: Did people laugh?

Episode: "Band On The Run"

Alan: Your first gig? You just started playing two days ago!
Gordy: Kids learn fast these days, Alan.
Alan: (Suspicious) Not mine.

Episode: "Band On The Run"

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*^*Thanx to Matt Dodd for the great quotes!

****And a thank you to Krysta, another huge BMW fan, for taking the time to send me these quotes.

(*) And thanks to Joel for sending this quote my way. :)