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Okay, before you Taylor fans go off the deep end and send me an E-mail virus or blow up my house. I just want to say this is the page where I bring up all the mistakes I think that Taylor has made over the years and never taken the rap/blame for. She often is portrayed as flawless on the show. Probably because Queen Stephanie seldom sees anything wrong with Taylor, thus her image on the show. I still like Taylor, guys. I am just not blind to her faults as so many seem to be.

Some comments from The Taylor fans through Ashley can be read on the Fans Comments page... it seems the page did stir up some bad blood after all...

Marrying OMAR new2.gif (973 bytes)
Taylor married the Maroocan Prince after she regained her memory, remembering that she was still married to Ridge. I know Prince Omar more or less forced her to marry him by torturing Taylor with forcing her to watch how happy Ridge and Brooke were on their honeymoon. But what I don't understand is how Taylor could forget about her commitment to the orphan Moroccan children so quickly. There has been no mention of them since she left Morocco. They were completely forgotten

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Taylor came to Brooke's and Ridge's home the same night she came back from her father's after giving birth to Thomas. She lied to Brooke and promised her that she wouldn't tell Ridge that he was the father of Thomas. But she did. She didn't give Brooke any warning.

Leading Thorne on.. new2.gif (973 bytes)
Thorne may have been manipulative toward Taylor while she was pregnant. But he did it for what he thought was best for the baby. And without him Thomas may not have survived. Through her entire pregnancy and up until two months after he was born. Thorne thought he actually had a chance to make a life with Taylor. She lead him on for almost a year. I think that isn't fair. Some may say that this is exactly what Brooke did to Grant.. but to me it is a world of difference. Brooke never lied to Grant and said she loved him. She told Grant she was using him to get Ridge jealous and Grant knew this all along while Taylor kept saying to Thorne that he just had to "give her a little more time... "

Taylor's, the Stephanie wannabe...

Taylor, who always prides herself of being such a caring, loving person has yet again made an outstanding effort to show us that she can be cruel when she feels it is justified. I have never seen her so cruel as the day Brooke and Ridge was about to get married and she forced Brooke to come over to her house just to accuse her of lying about her pregnancy. Mind you, she could have told Ridge about her pregnancy a long time ago,(she had two great opportunities. but chickened out)  but surely she had to take the step just when it would hurt Brooke the most. On her wedding day. She wasn't allowed to feel the happiness. She wasn't allowed to stay with her future husband and her family and friends to enjoy this moment. No, she had to let go of everything to come over to Taylor's house. Well there, Taylor threatened to interrupt her wedding unless she proved she was pregnant. Oh, well, I think this is about as cruel as you can get, next to accepting a man's proposal wearing another woman's ring and gown and having her watch the spectacle. Brooke is always accused of being manipulative and unsensitive... well, let me tell you. Our precious miss Taylor has a mean streak too.... just like Steph in cas you were wondering :-)

Seems like Taylor likes to gloat ...
Christina Johnsson is the name of a gal who is subscribing to the Bold-L mailinglist. And to me, the things she brought up on the 29:th of January on the list, regarding on Taylor's behaviour in general. The comments are really straight to the point. Here's what she said:
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"I don't know what episode I just watched but it was the day Taylor took the baby over to see Ridge. She really played the pompous, self-righteous, Stephanie-wannabe, I love to hate ! What a mean-spirited gesture that was !
1. She is the mother of Ridge's only child and she brings him over to Brooke's house to gloat !
2. Since Ridge believes the baby is Thorne's, it's even crueler to bring the baby over to see him and rub it in his face that she slept with his brother.
3. Her comments that the baby looks just like his father were sickening !
This woman has no self esteem. She takes great pleasure in being Ridge's baby's mama when they have no relationship. As if that was some great prize! She's a total hypocrite - considering that the reason she didn't tell him about the baby in the first place is that he is such a horrible person and then she rushes right over to introduce him to the baby. Then for her to be so insistent that Brooke isn't pregnant, well for one thing, IT AIN'T NONE OF HER BUSINESS ! If she wants Ridge, she should have been honest from the get go. IT'S TOO LATE. Now she's going to act like a typical un- married hootchie who is still emotionally involved with the baby's daddy. GET A LIFE, TAYLOR !"

Who deserves what?
"Taylor grows impatient waiting for Brooke at the restaurant. Thorne tries to talk her out of making Brooke "prove" the pregnancy, but Taylor is convinced her rival is a liar who doesn't deserve the man they both love." Quote from January recap of the show in the States.

Now, who's the liar? Which lie is worse? Are the lies both as bad? We don't know Brooke isn't pregnant and that she has for a fact lied to Ridge. She may be lying. So let's for a second assume that Brooke IS lying. Which lie is worse? Lying and telling she is pregnant to get Ridge into marrying her (Brooke) or lying about the paternity of the baby you're carrying telling the true father that the baby is his brother's? (Hmmmm.. I do wonder... neither of these women seem very clever to me these days.. IF in fact Brooke IS lying. We don't know that. ) And deserving Ridge. I don't think either of the women deserve the jerk. They just end up unhappy...

On The Rebound

When Caroline had just died. Taylor went on to Brooke and told her she shouldn't pursue Ridge since he was still mourning Caroline. That she should give him time to heal and not pressure him. Still, it did not take more than Brooke leaving Taylor's office before Taylor barged off to Ridge to "comfort" him for his terrible loss...

Practice what you preach!

Then Taylor has always professed to Brooke how she should leave Ridge alone after having any kind of emotional problems, after Caroline's death. After she came back to the living etc etc. But then when Ridge had show really clearly that he was still in love with Brooke. She went ahead and married Ridge, when Ridge didn't want to hurt his father by marrying Brooke.

Dating double?

In her first year on B&B Taylor was dating Brooke's brother Storm, (even accepted his engagement ring) and Ridge at the same time ! After breaking off her engagement she was seeing Ridge and her ex-hubbie Blake at the same time ! (even sleeping with Blake) Brooke would have been called a tramp for that sort of behaviour. But for Taylor it is ok - or what ?
-- Thanks to Micaela Radola for pointing this one out!

Professional Conflict?

When Brooke was divorcing Eric to get back with Ridge, Eric Jr.'s reaction was so important that Eric consulted Taylor professionally (CONFLICT) and she recommended that Brooke live with Eric to help Jr. adjust. This separated Brooke and Ridge and gave Taylor the chance to gain an advantage with Ridge. (Thanks to Patti for reminding me of this!)

The Big Bear Incident.

We all know this one. Taylor and James in the earthquake at the Big Bear Cabin. They were in the cold and the Cabin roof crashed in on them. James was injured and when they thought they were going to die. They reveiled their innermost secrets to one another. James big secret was that he was still a virgin. And of course, Taylor thought this was terrible. He couldn't die a virgin!! So she, in the cold, offered to help him with this dilemma... Taylor once tried to tell Ridge about this incident but when she disappeared in the plane crash it was forgotten. This never came out in the open.

Volunteer to lie

Next thing was Taylor coming back from Morrocco. She kept from telling everyone she had come back. But when reveiled by Brooke she urged Brooke not to tell Ridge that she was back. She was afraid what it might do to Ridge who was at the time blind from the accident in the Forrester laboratory.

As if this wasn't enough, she kept her marriage to Omar a secret for a very long time. Omar himself was the one to reveal this particular secret when he showed up to take "Princess Leila" back with him.

Then Ridge's and Brooke's marriage was deemed invalid in court and so was Omar's and Taylor's.

The Fashion Affair

After Ridge's and Taylor were divorced, Taylor was devastated and became very close to Eric. They became lovers, never physically though, and were very close to becoming the perfect couple. But then Taylor saw Eric in bed at Stephanie's house... with Stephanie in it. I am not saying Taylor did anything wrong here. In fact I think she handled the situation beautifully. What I am saying... had it been Brooke, her relationship with Eric had been out in a flash and she would have been beat up by Stephanie again. But of course when it was Taylor, this incident was never found out...

Paris lovers

After Taylor broke up with Eric, she left for awhile to get over him and the loss of Ridge. But then she came back to Forrester, and met up with Brooke. Brooke was at this time very disappointed with Ridge who had left her alone with the kids just after finding out that Ridge wasn't Bridgette's father. She jumps on Taylor who leads Brooke to believe that Taylor and Ridge have spent the night together in Paris... which drives her into Grant's arms.

Accepting proposal

Accepting Ridge's proposal on the Fashion show is one of the worst things I think Taylor has done - both to herself and Brooke. Wearing Brooke's ring and Brooke's gown she says "yes" to Ridge on the runway. Worse still is the fact that the wedding itself never took place because Taylor found out that Ridge went down to the marina to try and stop Brooke from marrying Grant...

Behind Brooke's back...

Taylor and Stephanie conspired for Taylor to spend more time with Bridget behind Brooke's back in order for Taylor to bond with Ridge's daughter. Even to the point of bribing the kids.Taylor also taught Bridget to swim. All without Brooke's knowledge and against her wishes for Taylor to spend time with her kids. (Thanks to Patti for reminding me of this!)

Put your money where your mouth is...

Or more like, you shouldn't rap on others for the things you do yourself...

Many are the times when Taylor have called Brooke a tramp for kissing and leading Grant on when she was still in love with Ridge. Well, excuse me my dear Taylor, but WHAT are you doing to Thorne right now?

Don't tell me any excuses here. Like Taylor needed Thorne. Taylor do not need Thorne any more than Brooke needed Grant right after her nervous breakdown. Don't tell me Thorne is lying and scheming or trying to push Taylor to do something she doesn't want any more than Grant did to Brooke. I find this so very strange. Taylor, the psychiatrist, the righteous lady is now doing exactly what she has been blaming Brooke for all along...

Ridge's or Thorne's Baby??

Now she leads Ridge to believe that the baby she is carrying is Thorne's? This is a deception I didn't think Taylor had in her... And now she is jumping Brooke when she is finding out that she knew. Why? Why, I wonder. Why should Brooke tell Ridge? That is Taylor's responsibility in every situation. Of course Brooke doesn't tell Ridge Taylor is carrying his baby. Who would in her situation?

As if these things above weren't enough - I can't stress enough how many times Taylor has thought the worst of Ridge although he has never actually betrayed her. He has never been unfaithful to Taylor while they have been married, and he has never really done anything not to make her trust him. No, instead, after finding things out, she has always jumped to the worst conclusions.

1. When Ridge didn't show up on time at the beach he was trying to stop Brooke from making Grant CEO of Forrester. She instantly believed he had gone off with Brooke.
2. When he rushed to the Marina, Taylor instantly thought he went there to propose to Brooke, although he was merely there to stop the wedding ceremony. I doubt he would have proposed to Brooke at that time.
3. She instantly thought that Ridge and Brooke had been sleeping together when she found Ridge in Brooke's bed at the day of Eric's and Stephanie's wedding.

Which is partly why I think Taylor shouldn't be with Ridge at all. She is too insecure of his love for her. While Brooke never really doubted Ridge's feelings for her. Even if Brooke might be overly confident, at least she seems to be able to believe in hers and Ridge's relationship in a way Taylor never could with hers and Ridge's.

Ridge claims to have hurt Taylor over and over again and that is part of why he is so committed to her he said in a recent episode in Sweden.

I am just wondering. First he turns on Brooke after finding out Bridgette wasn't his. Then he proposes to Taylor on the runway after seeing Brooke and Grant kiss without even talking to her about it. Now he is telling Brooke he still loves her but leaves her to be with his son nonetheless. He annulles their marriage as if it never happened. He hasn't hurt Brooke just as much??? What kind of an excuse is that? Brooke has never been able to trust Ridge to stand by her. Yet she has always believed in their love. Ridge is now hurting Bridgette and Rick all over again  And he says he is leaving Brooke to be with Taylor only for THOMAS' sake. Oh, please...

I wish Brooke would go on without Ridge this time. He has hurt her so many times.

~More of Taylor's Tacky Tactics~

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