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This is the best joke ever!
A man walked into a Bar....Ouch!

Here are jokes from people who visited this page(not my fault if they're retarded)

Men marry because they are tired.
Women marry because they are curious.
Both are disappointed.

What's better than winning the gold at the Special Olympics?
Not being retarded

"How do you make a kleenex dance?
You put a little boogie(booger) in it!"

Whats the new game at the White House?
Swallow the leader!
-thanks chad

Whats a Zebra?
26 sizes larger then an A-Bra

How do you get a one armed blond out of a tree?
You wave at her!

Why was the blonds belly button bruised?
Her boyfriend was blond too!

Why was the blond staring at the orange juice box?
It said concentrate!

A piece of string walks into the bar,
and the bartender says "sorry, we don't serve pieces of string in here."
  So the piece of string walks out, ties itself in a knot and ruffles it's hair.
he then walks back into the bar and asks for a drink.  "aren't you a piece of string?"
Asks the bartender, the string answers,
"'Fraid Not!"

You know you're a redneck jedi if you hear "Luke, I am your father...and your uncle."

What makes men chase women they have no intention of marrying?
The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of  driving 
This is a joke a little too long for this page

Heres another joke

And yet another joke

This one is pretty funny

You must read this one

A redneck joke

A smart guy, average guy and a dumb guy



Redneck Son

My First Time

Blonde Jokes

The Elevator

The Ugly Woman