6-4-00 The Pants page is up. Not much so far. Cartman gets an Anal Probe is half done. I know no one cares, but I have to say this. Tomorrow is feild day for us, and I never again want to hear "The Grey team's gonna win because White will surender, Red will get cut and bleed, and Blue will get Blown away." again. Does anyone but me think that's really gay? Oh well. Graduation/Semi-Formal is the 7th. School ends in about 2 weeks, then I'm done with Middle school forever. Thank you God. Ok, I'll stop now.

5-24-00 Well, part of the image map was screwed up. When you clicked on one of the characters that made an alert box pop up it reloaded the page for some reason, so I got rid of those. The Cartman one is still up. I've also taken the non-SP things off my site, because I'm working on a non-SP site. Most of it's still under construction, but you can check it out over nah. That's about it. Hopefully next time I'll have some stuff to add.

5-22-00 DUDE! I've hit 2000! I seriously never thought that would happewn when I first started this site, and I'm very happy. :D Thanx to everyone who visited, and suported me too!OMG, I'm starting to sound like I'm giving a speech for an award here! Ok, I'll stop.

In case you somehow didn't notice, I changed the layout some. Like my new image map? If you want you can e-mail me, sigh the guestbook, or just not do anything at all. If you notice a broken link, please tell me so I can fix it. Also added the new welcome feature, and soon I'll have a new section started...the Pants page! I'm not telling what it is untill it's up...

5-5-00 Damn, I hate hot weather. Well, I edited Tears of Pearls, so hopefuly it won't be so confusing. I also fixed a few other things, and added some stuff to the Non-SP linx.

4-26-00 Well, here I am again, updating at 1 in the morning. Hey, it's Spring Break, I can stay up as late as I want! anyway, I have a new fanart. That's all for now.

4-25-00 Another late, (ok, early) update from me. First off, I have part 2 of 12 finished, the previews page has been updated, and I have a new fanart up. I also fixed up a few things that really don't matter to you guys.

4-23-00 Ok, I made a form for this site. I'd like it if you could fill it out, but if you don't feel like it, then just don't. I also have two new editorials writen, but it's late (1:30, to be exact) so I can't put them up tonight, and I'll be spending most of the day at my grandparents house today. I might have them up tonight, if not then I'll have them tomorrow.

4-21-00 Dear God help me. It's raining and I'm tapped inside while my dad listens to Jesus Christ Super Star. Well, I have a computer made fanart of Kath and her kids in the future, part 3a of 6 to Enter, and a new little logo for the fanfic page.

4-20-00 Well, I got up some new stuff on the Ontron page. Happy Mellissa? Also, part one of another story (maybe someday I'll even get to part two of one fo these!) can be find on the Fanfic page.

4-15-00 I'm back! Miss me? Good. Anyway, I've got part one of a new fic for ya over in the fanfic section. (where else would it be?) 12's coming along, give me a few days, I promise it'll be up. If not, you can poke me with a stick untill I cry. (And Mellissa, I'll have the next part of the comic up soon, I lost the note book and I have to find it.)

3-28-00 Sorry. no links. It's almost midnight, ands I do need some sleep. Well, I have up part one of a new South Park fanfic, and also some more stuff on the Ontron page.

3-27-00 Long time no see, huh? Well, no South Park stuff for ya, but I do have a new feature, Ontron the fucked up dinosaur. It's a comic. And it's weird. (Well, not so much right now, it gets weirder.) That's all for now.

3-10-00 Well, Geocities wasn't being nice to me, and wouldn't let me on for the past few days. I also had a big-ass science progect due. Anyway, I have anew story by kyle. b for you guys, Super Squirts. The squits must stop Richard Simmons befor it's too late. I do have more, it'll be up in the next few days.

3-5-00 Ok, quick update, it's late, so I'm not gonna make linx for you guys. So far all I have up is the new Kathleen's page in the fanifc section. I have a bunch of stuff to add tomorrow, so be sure to check back then!

3-1-00 Ok, I have up 6 to Enter Part 2a. 3a should be up soon, followed by 2b & 3b. I also added comentary to 6 to Enter Part 1 and in Part 2 as well, and all the rest will include them too. The Previews page has been updated, along with the notes for the "No plot" stories. Ok, I think that's all.

2-24-00 I have up part one of my first ever fanfic, 6 to Enter. I would've had more for you guys sooner, but I have a cold and I've been spending time in bed complaining and watching anime insted of typing. I should have up part 2 in the next few days.

2-16-00 Well, I finally finished The stupid hippies. I've gotten rid of the part one thing, now it's just one whole story. Any plot line I had was lost, read just for fun. Well, have fun.

2-4-00 I've started a new page, the previews page. There you can read all about the stories I'm working on. It's lamost finished, I have up the South Park one's, I'll probably add the non-South Park one's tomorrow, I need sleep now for my swim meet tomorrow. I also joined a Webring, in case you didn't notice.

1-30-00 I have another thing added to the non-South Park stories page. Enjoy.

1-22-00 I have up the last things for the Non-South Park stories page. That's it for now.

1-21-00 I have up two more stories by Cartman's Girl. She sent them to me about a month ago, but I lost them in my filling cabinet, but now they're found. You can see them aver naw. I edited the All about me page. I also moved all the old updates onto a different page.

1-18-00 Dude, I'm on a roll. 3 in a row! Well, I have 2 new stories from kyle. b.Possibly a new story from me too soon. ;)

1-17-00 I have a new editorial up about scare tactics. Can we belive them? Also, I have 2 noew stories from kyle b., I'll have them up soon, it's 11:45 here and my parents will kill me if they find me on-line now.

1-16-00 Well, I have a story by kyle b. on the other people's fanfic page. I've also put up a new page with all my non-South Park stories on it. If you want you can take a look at it over here. TTFN!, Ta-Ta for now!

1-4-00 Well, Although I have had a little progress, I don't have enough to make a part 2 or anything. So, I added a little more to The Stupid Hippies part 1. It's pretty much turning into a fanifc with no real point to it, but, oh well, I'm just glad to have something new up. I'm still working on getting up some of the stories Cartman's Girl & kyle b. have sent to me, I promaise this time it'll be soon. Really, I do.