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A sad day in BallyK

Brian Quigley will be greatly missed

Actor Tony Doyle died Jan. 28, 2000


At the core of BallyK

was Quigley


Gone too soon


Tony Doyle who played the role of Brian Quigley died suddenly of a heart attack in London on January 28, 2000 at the age of 58. He was scheduled to begin filming a new series called "McCready and Daughter" in March and planned to continue in his role on Ballykissangel. Born in County Roscommon he was considered one of Ireland's best actors. He was greatly admired for his professionalism and his craft. Those worked with him had the deepest admiration for him as a man as well as an actor. He was survived by 6 children and his wife Sally. For a list of screen credits look here

As an American I would not have known of Tony Doyle had it not been for his work on Ballykissangel. But his performance as Brian Quigley won a special place in my heart. He was so key to the tone, content, and rhythm of this exceptional show. He brought so much to the role; he was a delightful and talented actor. It is such a shock to hear that his acting gift will no longer be gracing screens around the world.

A Farewell to Eamonn

Birdie Sweeney 1931-1999

On April 11, 1999 actor Birdie Sweeney died at St. Vincent's Hospital in Dublin from an apparent heart attack. He was engaged in the filming of the 5th series of Ballykissangel at the time of his death. He portrayed Eamonn Byrne a sheep farmer. His character's innocence and charm will be sorely missed in the series. This is a short tribute to some of the great Eamonn moments Ballykissangel fans will fondly recall. For a list of screen credits look here


This web page was done to salute one of life's simple joys, watching Ballykissangel. If you have any comments on this page or it's content please E-mail me at

Special, special thanks to my family!

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Tribute page created by Harpsong Feb. 21, 2000