Ok, so here's my guestbook. Hope you enjoy it :)

Ms.Liza - 09/13/99 06:31:33
My URL:http://www.onurnez.com
A Wav File you'd like to have: whip


DanglerMan - 05/22/99 04:13:06
Favorite TV Show: Waltons
Favorite Movie: Yankee Doodle Dandy
Favorite Baseball Team: Cincinnati Reds

I love wavs , good job guys.Hi Cybergirl

Pozen - 12/15/98 22:29:54
My Email:Vendt@post.tele.dk
Favorite TV Show: Monty Pythons Flying Cirkus
Favorite Movie: Mel Brooks' Men in Tights
A Wav File you'd like to have: Mel brooks saying "it's good to be the king" (said in many movies)
Favorite Baseball Team: New York Mets

No Coment

Lynn Gordon - 11/03/98 04:40:12
My Email:dherrick@aeroinc.net
A Wav File you'd like to have: taco bell dog wavs


Ricky cortez - 11/02/98 03:35:54
My URL:http://www.webtv.net
My Email:Station110@webtv.net
Favorite TV Show: Baywatch
Favorite Movie: Hope floats
A Wav File you'd like to have: Any sounds,Quotes,& theme songs From "Emergency!"
Favorite Baseball Team: Houston astros

Hi` i just love your web page! the sounds page is awesome! so keep up the good work, ok? Thanks, Ricky!

Mike Puccio - 10/10/98 14:50:33
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~mpuccio
My Email:mpuccio@frontiernet.net
Favorite TV Show: Beavis and Butt Head
Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
A Wav File you'd like to have: Any Buscemi from Fargo
Favorite Baseball Team: New York Yankees

Mike this page is great!

Pat - 09/24/98 00:58:41
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~iatola/wizzb.html
My Email:jomadu@blackboard.com
Favorite TV Show: MTV

I really liked your page

Roy - 09/13/98 23:01:26
My URL:http://You ReallyLaugh
My Email:none
Favorite TV Show: History Channel
Favorite Movie: 3rd Man
A Wav File you'd like to have: Hot Tamale Pete's
Favorite Baseball Team: I hate sports

Your F 15 wav sounds like a rusty zipper. your picture is nice. Is it easy being green? Do you have any ocarina wavs? I am glad to learn you will soon add a few dirty pictures to your site :) Great site, Iggy. Thank you! Need a Light Crust Dou hboys wav? I got it. I also have the red phone wav from Dr Strangeluv if the guest needs it. I have almost the entire film in both wav and RA format.

Me - 08/24/98 18:01:36
My Email:pit@warwick.net
Favorite Baseball Team: Mets

This is a test

Doc Bryant - 07/29/98 21:00:46
My Email:RBHonk@aol.com
Favorite TV Show: Sky King
Favorite Movie: Bridge on the River Kwai
A Wav File you'd like to have: red phone ringing from Dr. Strangelove
Favorite Baseball Team: Pittsburgh Pirates (and I used to work for Angels Farm team!

thanks for putting me on your list. I appreciate the help from someone with a sense of humor like mine!

Darren - 06/02/98 19:35:35
My URL:http://www.hdrdps.demon.co.uk
My Email:darre@hdrdps.demon.co.uk
Favorite TV Show: Frasier
Favorite Movie: Trainspotting
A Wav File you'd like to have: Clinton saying 'How much for an eighth ?'
Favorite Baseball Team: What's baseball ? I hear it's kinda like rounders.

Thanx for the waves for my assignment. Will keep checking back for the new stuff and will certainley point my friends here. Cheers

brize - 05/02/98 10:21:23
My Email:brize@bcmarston.demon.co.uk
Favorite TV Show: startreks new gen and beyond
A Wav File you'd like to have: any heavy bass subs

cool wav site do you know of any wav editors if you do point them my way so i can write music for my page thanks for you support brize

Bill - 05/02/98 04:48:28
My Email:wjackson@usit.net
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek TNG
Favorite Movie: Patton
A Wav File you'd like to have: J-L Picard wavs
Favorite Baseball Team: Reds

Really enjoyed your site. Picked up a few for my system. Keep up the good work. -- Bill

Vickie - 04/26/98 00:48:06
My Email:-sneaky-snake-Msn.com
Favorite TV Show: Voyager
Favorite Baseball Team: unfortunatle the angles lol

hey nice place to get waves. i will let some of the other girls know about it. heheheheheheh

Mom - 04/21/98 14:51:26
My Email:ys4818@exmail.usma.edu

i love the picture of the iguana. Now that I have sound, I intend to play some. Talk to you later.

Pat - 04/19/98 13:10:55
My Email:path9@msn.com
Favorite TV Show: Antiques Roadshow
Favorite Movie: Turtle Diary
A Wav File you'd like to have: The theme to "The Thin Blue Line"
Favorite Baseball Team: What are baseballs?

It's only so much one can stand, you know. Sometimes the pressure just gets to be too much and even Newt is not your friend. So, when the train subsides into the station, we fondly bid our hats "farewell." Cool site. Thanks for the wavs. What would we do without you?

Mark - 04/18/98 02:37:32
My Email:mha2000@sprintmail.com or mha2000@aol.com
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek Voyager
Favorite Movie: Aliens
A Wav File you'd like to have: Sgt. Apone from Aliens saying "You heard the Major, people, Assholes and Elbows"
Favorite Baseball Team: Chicago White Sox

Finally got to your site, using MIE from Sprintnet. Looks great!

Cathy - 04/15/98 13:07:18
My Email:MorgaineLeFey@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Show: Three
Favorite Movie: French Kiss
A Wav File you'd like to have: all of 'em
Favorite Baseball Team: YANKEES!!! :)

Howdy Mike.. cool page.. I love the lizard.. :) So when we goin' shopping again? Tell Crissy hi nd give the baby a Meg a kiss for me.. :)

BRANDON - 04/09/98 15:05:29
My URL:http://????????????/
My Email:hkwu@asiaonline.net
Favorite Movie: ??? TITANIC....
A Wav File you'd like to have: SNOOPY....
Favorite Baseball Team: SORRY.. I DON'T INTEREST IN SPORTS


Paul Simone - 03/04/98 02:43:09
My Email:casey1@frontiernet.net
Favorite TV Show: SOUTH PARK
Favorite Baseball Team: NEW YORK YANKEES!!!!


Robert M. Wood Jr. - 03/03/98 03:53:55
My URL:http://www.halcyon.com/wouldhe/ranger
My Email:m_15_tenth99@yahoo.com
Favorite TV Show: Ally McBeal
Favorite Movie: Dances With Wolves
A Wav File you'd like to have: Lion's Roar
Favorite Baseball Team: Mariner's

I like your page for being on Geocities

Susan Kay - 03/01/98 00:57:26
My Email:Susan_K@mailexcite.com
Favorite TV Show: MASH
Favorite Movie: African Queen
Favorite Baseball Team: you kidding

Iggy enjoyed your site keep going and good luck see you hon , susan

Patricia - 02/27/98 18:02:49
My Email:path9@msn.com
Favorite TV Show: Masterpiece Theatre
Favorite Movie: Haven't a clue
A Wav File you'd like to have: One who looks good in a uniform!
Favorite Baseball Team: What's baseball?

Loved the page...good job, Iggy.

Rich Bell - 02/25/98 01:09:09
My Email:richardb@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek:TNG
Favorite Movie: Local Hero
Favorite Baseball Team: Toronto

I was here where were you?

Ed Jones - 02/24/98 14:11:05
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/5858
My Email:ejones@oocities.com
Favorite TV Show: Current - none, reruns - Hogan's Heros
Favorite Movie: Last Starfighter
Favorite Baseball Team: Brooklyn Dogers - it's been a while.

Welcome to the fold. I saw your picture on top of your page. Looks a great deal like my mother-in-law :) On your links, put SoundAmerica as http://soundamerica.com (leave the www. off the begining). That is the real address for it and I think the re-director from www.soundamerica.com is about to expire so that URL will not work shortly. Hope you have lots of fun! Don't forget to join The Sound Ring. You will need to add more on-line sounds (not links) to join, but it is worth it. Later, Ed Jones in Columbus Ohio Wave Theme Songs Homepage http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/5858 TV-Land/Laugh-In fan pages http://www.oocities.org/Broadway/1276 Commercial Music http://extra.newsguy.com/~ejones

katie - 02/23/98 16:03:46
My Email:katieb@vvm.com
Favorite TV Show: Buffy the Vampirer Slayer
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Favorite Baseball Team: Mets

It was great.

Wilma - 02/23/98 15:45:23
My Email:Boundless@msn.com
Favorite TV Show: Simpsons
Favorite Movie: Stand By Me
Favorite Baseball Team: Cleveland Indians

Hi Iggy !! Hey this is great...a one stop shopping place for Wavs. Now maybe i can stop bugging other people for them. :)

Tony McKeon - 02/23/98 11:54:18
My Email:amckeon@pseg.com
Favorite TV Show: South Park
A Wav File you'd like to have: Any South Park Wavs
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees

Good Job Sam.

Sarah McLachlan - 02/23/98 04:28:57
My Email:aslwright@msn.com
Favorite TV Show: The Love Boat
Favorite Movie: Airplane
A Wav File you'd like to have: anything from Airplane
Favorite Baseball Team: Baseball? Hockey is better, like the Toronto Maple Leafs!

wow, this is the best site I've ever seen (next to all the Dukes of Hazzard site I found the other day, it was really cool, lots of pictures of Bo...he's so cute). Second thought, this is the second best site I've seen :)

JJ Jester - 02/22/98 06:48:52
My URL:http://www.jesterweb.com
My Email:jester@snet.net
Favorite TV Show: Millenium (but you probably guessed that! ;)
Favorite Movie: recently? Good Will Hunting or As Good as it gets -- hands down! (oh, and Chasing Amy :)
A Wav File you'd like to have: something from Chasing Amy :)
Favorite Baseball Team: everyone knows... the best... the Boston Red Sox! ;)

Great start Oh Mighty Igster! Thanks for the link, as well! :) All Hail the Mighty Iguana! Bow before the great Lizard! hahaha You Da Man!


pokie - 02/22/98 05:58:42
My Email:pokie-pokie@msn.com
Favorite TV Show: the new red green show
Favorite Movie: thx1138
A Wav File you'd like to have: any and all
Favorite Baseball Team: ---------

Hi Iggy ! great site ! fun.........etc etc see you soon at the chat room. pokie

Some people call me Baby Spice (AHEM...) - 02/22/98 05:50:06
My Email:tibetgirl9@aol.com
Favorite TV Show: Buffy!!!!!
Favorite Movie: Scream
A Wav File you'd like to have: Hmmm..good question
Favorite Baseball Team: Sorry, I'll have to go with the Yankees (Hans likes 'em!)

I love your web page!!! If you like, I'll kick you free of charge!!(Please excuse my hyperness, I just participated in a 30 hour fast for church!)

Michelle - 02/20/98 02:51:06
My Email:MrsIggy@msn.com
Favorite TV Show: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Baseball Team: Mets

Love You :)

Lindsay - 02/19/98 22:09:31
My Email:luvuelmo@MSN.com
Favorite TV Show: South Park,90210, Sunset Beach
Favorite Movie: Son In Law, Titanic, Jerry Maguire, Legends of the Fall
A Wav File you'd like to have: all 1600 please :)
Favorite Baseball Team: the Yankees haha!

Gimme an I... I Gimme a G... G Gimme another G... G Gimme a Y... Y What's that spell? IGGY!!! Yea, Go Iggy Go!! Rah Rah Ree kick 'em in the knee... Rah Rah Ras, nevermind. =)

Lindsay - 02/19/98 22:01:06


luv - 02/19/98 18:56:55
My Email:luvuelmo@msn.com
Favorite TV Show: Spin City & Just Shoot Me
Favorite Movie: hmmmm.. Silence of the Lambs, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Titantic, etc...
A Wav File you'd like to have: Gettin' Jiggy With It by Will Smith
Favorite Baseball Team: why the Atlanta Braves..of course, and you had to ask? :)

Your site looks great Iggy.. Way to go!! And man, Meth, you beat me to the punch for first in line.. :)

- 02/19/98 17:21:46


Meth - 02/19/98 04:41:16
My Email:methusalah@msn.com
Favorite TV Show: Toss up between South Park or Ask Harriet, haha
Favorite Movie: Too many
A Wav File you'd like to have: N/A
Favorite Baseball Team: The Tigers, they're good, right?

I just wanted to be the first to sign this thing. It looks good Iggy !!!

- 02/19/98 03:24:04


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