shovel.gif - Cletus with a shovel - NEW
picnic.gif - Cletus and his kids on a picnic - NEW
telephoneline.gif - Cletus on the telephone pole
Cletusface.gif - A close up on Cletus' face
hug.gif - Cletus hugging Homer
Work.gif - Cletus at his work place
driver.gif - Getting his picture taken for his driver's licsence

shame.jpg - Cletus hanging his head in shame - NEW
angry.jpg - Cletus with his hands on his shoulders - NEW
artshow.jpg - Cletus at the outsider's art show - NEW
lisacletus.jpg - Cletus and Lisa
shovel.jpg - Cletus shoveling some roadkill into his truck
Skunk.jpg - Cletus holding a skunk
Wiggum.jpg - Cletus and Brandine standing behind Cheif Wiggum
Dog.jpg - Cletus' dog died
pointyhaired.JPG - Cletus pointing at Lisa
Work.JPG - Cletus at work
mafia.jpg - Cletus sitting next to one of those mafia guys
hug.jpg - Cletus hugging Homer
Cletusface.jpg - A close up of Cletus
grad.JPG - Cletus graduating from the parenting class
choke.jpg - Homer choking Cletus
logo.jpg - The Cletus The Slack Jawed Yokel Logo
boots.jpg - Cletus giving Brandine a pair of boots
telephoneline.jpg - Cletus on top of the telephone line
stop.jpg - Cletus in the middle of the road
kids.jpg - Cletus' kids
money.jpg - The "Leader falls on Cletus' dirtfarm
gun.jpg - Cletus holding a gun
coupons.jpg - Cletus holding 300 coupons
clothes.jpg - Cletus buying some clothes
soccer.jpg - Cletus at a soccer game
derierre.jpg - Cletus walking into "Le Maison Derierre"
driver.jpg - Cletus getting his picture taken for his licsence
hotdamn.jpg - Cletus walking out of the DMV
carwash.jpg - Cletus giving his kids a bath at the carwash
outhouse.jpg - Cletus in his outhouse

rustboxes.gif - Rust Boxes With Rust! Them's Good!
dump.gif - Cletus saying what's right with Springfield
cider.gif - Cletus, Brandine, and a bunch of other people learning about cider
bio.gif - A Complete Guide's bio on Cletus
comic.gif - That's right, Cletus appeared in a comic! Just for one page but here it is.

Hand Drawn
brandine.gif - Plan old everyday Brandine
outhouse.gif - Cletus in the outhouse
choke.gif - Homer choking Cletus (Used on main page, I kinda rushed Homer)