The Covert Conversation

The meeting of Peta Wilson

What can I say except that meeting Peta was an incredible experience. She is a lovely, approachable, generous and kind woman. I consider myself VERY lucky.

I have this odd luck. I've always noticed that. I was walking through Eaton Centre in Downtown Toronto. We, my friends and I, had been in Toronto all weekend. One of my friends and I had been out all night, both nights while we were there. So, ofcourse, when I meet the star of my web page and favorite TV show I looked like I had been up for 2 weeks straight and then hit by a truck! I happened into this little store on the second level. The only one, I might add, that had windows in the store. These girls were looking out the window and muttering "I wonder what there filming". I looked out the window and across the street and there she was (or so I thought). Well, I went streaking out of that store soooo fast I'm suprised they didn't grab me thinking I was shop lifting. I yelled at my friend..."Their filming outside!!!!" My friends thought I was going to dive over the balcony to get to the first floor so I could get outside.

I had carried my camera around in my pocket all weekend... "just in case". A few of the places in downtown reminded me of places they had filmed in so I snapped shots here and there. When I got outside I grabbed a cop that was helping to block the road. When I asked him what they were filming he said "I don't know... some TV show... Nikita maybe?" I screamed, like a little kid... I couldn't help it. Well, one of the women working on the set (her name was Michelle and her picture will be posted here too) told me the woman I had seen was Petas stunt double not her. I said well, that's cool, I can get some pictures of the filming of the show. She was going to help me get to where they were doing the taping to meet Peta when she showed up in a van. I was talking to Michelle about the show and my friend is tugging on my arm going "Kristen... Kristen.... KRISTEN!!!! Isn't that her?" she asks pointing accross the road.

Well, it was indeed her. I composed myself, walked across the street, and just talked to her. She took a picture with me. I look like hell, she looked beautiful as always. She gave me her autograph and said "If you really want someones autograph, you should ask my stunt double (Maryanne maybe?) she's incredible." She then proceeded to tell me that I wouldn't catch her up there. She says she's scared of heights. She also inquired whether or not I was aware that Roy had cut his hair off, I told her I did know that. She replied "It looks nice...". She told me she was filming a movie, but was living in Toronto at that time. She thanked me and excused herself and went to talk to the director (whom I was not able to meet unfortuately), and before you all wonder. Roy was not around that day... trust me I asked! I did get to see the away van though.

I have not yet been able to scan the pictures, and I am too chicken to send them to get scanned, for fear I won't get them back. As soon as I can get to a scanner I will post all of the photos and you all have my permission to use them if you grab a link to my page and post it. Also, if you could, please drop me an email and let me know how they are going to be used.

As a bonus for those of you that have bothered to read this a little spoiler... Ponder this, how are they going to get Nikita out of throwing her out of a 14th story window???? Hmmmm, guess we'll have to watch and find out.

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