The Second Page of Pictures

These are all photos and drawings from the Gay Kama Sutra, so they need little or no explanation. Besides, it's late and I'm tired.

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Go to Page Three - Voyager Pictures

Go to Page Four - Edward II

Go to Page Five - "The Male Nude", Page One

Go to Page Six - "The Made Nude", Page Two

Apollo, Greek god of the Sun and of Music, and marsyas, the Phrygian flute-player, painted by Perugino. (88k)

Youths dancing during the grape harvest, terracotta relief, 4th century B.C. (88k)

Back (22k)

Bedmates (30k)

Blanket (24k)

Cuddle (17k)

Kiss (23k)

Leapfrog (51k)

Running (22k)

Torso (16k)

Twining (30k)

Bliss Kiss (19k)

Caress (32k)

French Kiss (58k)

Kiss (60k)

Lick (24k)

Massage (33k)

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