Dog Hamper

Dog Hamper

	Hugh is striding about in the middle of a disgusting mall. He is rather 
	pukka and excitedly leading the camera hither and thither.

Hugh		It's extraordinary. I should say the house was exactly here.
		The front door must have been there, round about where that
		branch of Next is. Of course all around this area was our
		garden. When my dog Hamper died, border collie with the
		loveliest laugh, it was the saddest day of my life. Couldn't
		believe Hamper was really dead, but my father insisted he was.
		Harsh lesson. Learnt young. Anyway, part of the process of
		grieving is burial, so I buried him, I should think round about
		here, under this paving stone it must have been.

	Hugh kicks the paving stone and it comes loose.

		Whoops ... so much for 1990s build quality, eh?

	The whole slab comes off and a border collie climbs out.

		Good Lord, Hamper! I was right all along. Come along then,
		you'll be hungry.

Stephen		(female) You can't even trust professionals these days. I went
		to see a masseur, you know for a massage. Disgusting. He
		couldn't keep his hands off me..
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