Replay by Tyra

Chapters  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Chapter 25

Authors Note: This is my attempt at writing a musical montage. I'm using one song to express the feelings of both Brenda and Jax as they are on opposite side of the world at the exact same moment in time. You need to imagine the scene cutting from place to place as the song plays. Hope this doesn't make for confusing reading. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Again I want to thank everyone who takes the time to send me comments, suggestions and opinions. It is very much appreciated! ~ Tyra Song ~


~ Kronos - April 1, 1994 ( Brenda's Photo Shoot - 8:00 P.M. ) ~

~ Manhattan - April 1, 1994 ( Jax at J&J Jacks Offices - 1:00 P.M. ) ~


{ Brenda on Kronos }

The sound of the gulls crying, floated with the breeze, over the deserted docks to the solitary spot where Brenda was standing holding her Birthday present loosely in her hands. Feeling alone and ignored she stood at the far end of the dock wondered why she was here.

"Brenda, let's try something a little different. I like to play music to get my models in the mood. Would that be all right with you?"

Brenda looked blankly at Tom Baker. He had been re-shooting the 'Deception' campaign around the island since 8:00 A.M. this morning. They had taken shots on the hammock, at the top of the bluff looking out over Venice, on a hillside filled with lavender and bougainvillea vines, and in the master bedroom of Jax's house. Tom and Lucy thought the composition of the shot would be stunning. He had clothed her in a mandarin collar jade green silk gown and had her lay at the foot of Jax's platform bed. Over the bed was a black and gold brocade fan that matched the comforter on the bed. Tom said that the black backdrop and vibrant green gown would give her eyes an air of mystery, excitement, soulfulness.

"Brenda? Are you ready for this shot. We don't have much time to get this right. The light is just perfect now. Are you open to listening to the song I chose to set the mood?"

Brenda blinked her eyes as she refocused on the task at hand. "Sorry Tom, I just lost it for a moment. Go ahead a turn on the tunes, and I'll give it my best shot!"

Tom wondered if she was all right. She had said all the right things today. Had been wonderful to work with, but there was this undercurrent of sadness that hung over her all day. This was his chance at the big time, these shots had to turn out. A chance like this didn't come around every day, he had to hit a homerun with this layout. He could work with this. The concept phrase was going to be 'The Look of Deception - She'll never forget you.. .. ..' His mind was soaring with ideas. Tom had moved her to the edge of the pier. The burnt orange glow from the setting sun against the ash black sand made a phenomenal shot that he had only minutes to catch.

"Brenda this is what I need you to do. Lean over the railing and look out at the horizon. Hold the necklace just the way you have it. Actually turn it a little to the left, I need to see that the heart pendant is opened and empty from this angle. Stop, that's perfect! OK Brenda this is what I want you to envision. I know a woman as gorgeous you would never be in this position, but get your actress juices flowing. Think about lost love. That empty feeling when you've held someone's heart in your hand, but it slipped through your fingers. Feel the longing, the hurt, the desire to fix things, to make everything the way it was. Do you feel it Brenda?" Brenda nodded curtly. Tom turned to Lucy. "Turn on the tunes Lucy. OK Brenda, turn it on, make my heart break."


To Listen Real Audio of 'Love Wouldn't Lie To Me' - Click Here


I've played it over in my head

Thought about the words you said

Laid awake in my bed

It's gone, gone, gone


Brenda could hear the repetitive clicking of Tom's auto-feed camera.. She was having a difficult time holding her emotions in. Tom didn't know how close he hit home. How ironic that this was April Fools Day, since Jax had played her for a fool to beat all fools. How had she misjudged him so? As badly as she wanted to hate him, she couldn't. She missed their talks, their walks, sharing of idea, ideals, life.

Tom was in awe. Brenda was setting his camera on fire. Nature was adding to the perfection of the shot as the twilight breeze caught her hair and lifted it up and back giving her neck this swan like grace and innocence. This girl had chosen the wrong profession, with acting talent like hers she should be lighting up Broadway!


I've tried to make it make some sense

How it came and how it went

It's still the same damn consequence

It's gone, gone, gone


Love shouldn't lie to me

Love couldn't lie to me

Love wouldn't lie to me

But it did


{ Jax in Manhattan Offices }

Intercom: Mr. Jacks you have a call from Jakarta, are you back from lunch yet?

"No Addie, take a message. I'll let you know when I'm ready to take calls again."

"Yes sir, even if it's Miss Barrett?"

"Especially if it's Miss Barrett, Addie."

"Oh .. .. .. I'll take care of everything sir."

"Thank you Addie." Jax switched off the intercom and returned to his shooting gallery.

He aimed one last time and hit the monkey as it moved across the target area. Ten hits, he won the crocodile! How ironic that his last hit was the monkey. That's all he had been, Brenda's trained Monkey. She had paraded him around to make a worthless mobster jealous. He was in prison for God's sake, what in the world did she have to worry about some woman named Lily? No one was going to be sharing Sonny's bed anytime in the near future. That man was nothing but a snake. Jax picked up his rifle and took aim then abruptly set the rifle down. He walked back to his desk. He would have the toy manufacturer in his office tomorrow. He was going to have them replace all the monkey targets with snakes.


People come and people go

I put on a real good show

How I do it, I don't know

It's gone, gone, gone


It's all hanging by a thread

I try to see a day ahead

I only see the past instead

It's gone, gone, gone


{ Brenda on Kronos }

Tom and Lucy exchanged glances. They didn't know what was going on with Brenda but it was pure magic. She was standing on the edge of the dock looking so wistful and delicate. As is she would shatter in a thousand pieces if a mere flower petal blown by the wind brush against her face. Tom had caught lightning in a bottle. He was good, but not this good! He thanked God that Vince had been too complacent and egotistically to make use of Brenda's innate talents. This spread was going to be phenomenal!


Love shouldn't lie to me

Love couldn't lie to me

Love wouldn't lie to me

But it did


And though

I know

It'll survive


{ Jax in Manhattan Offices }

Jax struggles to sort through his mail for the third time, finally tossing it across the desk watching it fan like a magician's deck of cards, until it slid off the edge and onto the floor. Jax rises in frustration and goes to pick up his fallen messages slamming them back on the desk before he slumps into his couch covering his face with his hands.


Love shouldn't lie to me

Love couldn't lie to me

Love wouldn't lie to me

But it did .. .. .. .. .. ..


"Almost done Brenda, just a few more shots. Turn up the hurt, make me feel your pain, break my heart into a hundred pieces Brenda!"

Brenda looked out one more time toward the horizon and watched the last slivered arc of the burning red sun finally extinguish as it sunk into the sea. There was a final flash of red, orange, gold as the sun made one final attempt to fight off the approach twilight.

"Fantastic Brenda! That was perfect! Better than perfect! That's a wrap!"

As the skies faded to a midnight blue, Brenda's face was finally shadowed by darkness and the tears she had been holding back, overflowed and slowly trailed their way down her face till it rained down upon the glistening teardrop necklace she held in her hands. Tom and Lucy looked on silently as they saw Brenda's shoulders shudder as the she mournfully began to sob.


But it did .. .. .. .. .. ..


Jax empties the Cognac snifter in one gulp. He choked as the hot acrid fumes rose up his throat in protest. He walked over to the window that looked out on the Manhattan skyline. For once it gave him no pleasure to see the city at his feet. He should get back to work, much had piled up while he was gone. Instead he sat down in the window seat and placed his hand on the glass feeling its cool cold smoothness, like Brenda .. .. .. Addie peeked in and saw Jax hunched in window, head resting on his knees as he silently wept. She sighed, shook her head, and discreetly closed the door on a sight she was never meant to see.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ London - Barrett Industries - December 23rd - 9:00 P.M. ~

The plane set down lightly and the hum of the engines turned to a roar as they reversed to slow its landing speed. Brenda looked out on the runway and saw the rainwater displaced by the landing gears, spray out away from the plane. She was exhausted. She had just concluded a six and a half hour flight across the Atlantic fending off an entirely too talkative stranger. He had recognized her from her Deception ads and had spent the better part of and hour trying to pick her up. He was nice enough, and quite handsome in his own right, but she hadn't been in the right frame of mind since Jax. She knew she was being foolish since he obviously never loved her, but she still didn't have the heart to dip her toes back into the dating pool. Out of desperation, she had pretended to fall asleep for the rest of the flight, to get him to leave her alone.

"Good Evening, Sleeping Beauty!" he whispered in her ear.

Brenda shivered imperceptibly at the arrogance in his gesture of intimacy. How dare he lean in so close to her. She turned and looked upon him darkly; anger just barely held in check. How she hated men who thought models were empty headed floozies. She tempered her response and curtly responded, "If you'll excuse me, my driver is waiting for me at the gate." She made a move to stand and was shocked as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down onto his lap.

"Come on baby, you know you want me. I saw how you were looking at me. It's the same look as in your ads. 'She'll never forget you" You got that right. One night with me and you'll never forget me honey."

Brenda was in a fury. The stupidity of this men, of all men! She slapped him hard; the sound echoed across the first class cabin. "Let go of me you pig!" she shouted as she struggled off of his lap.

"Why you little Bitc-- --" He never finished his exclamatory as a large hand reached down and grabbed him by the back of his expensive silk shirt. The force of the fist tightened the collar of his shirt causing the air to hiss out as he started to choke.

A soft, strong, forceful voice lectured, "That is no way to speak to, or treat a lady sir. Where I was born, women are treated with respect and honored. Now I know you wish to apologize for your offensive behavior. Do you not?" The red-faced man nodded as his collar was finally released and he gasped to fill his lungs with fresh air. "Well, are you not going to apologize for your boorish behavior to this lady, or do I have to instruct you further on how to treat such a fine lady as she."

The man choked out a half hearted apology as Brenda finally looked up, way up, into the eyes of her protector.

"Thomas! What are you doing here? Were you on this flight the whole time! If I had know, I would have gladly swapped this first class seat for the coach seat next to yours. I'd rather sit next to a first class person than have a first class seat next to a low rent person."

Brenda jumped up wrapping her arms around Thomas' neck and laughed with pure joy for the first time in months. She didn't even care what anyone disembarking thought as she hung from his neck, feet dangling a foot off the floor. Seeing Thomas was like drinking from an oasis after traveling for days in a hot burning dry desert.

"Excuse me Miss, Sir, you have to get off the plane, you are blocking this exit aisle." The flight attendant interrupted politely.

"Oh, I'm sorry Miss. Let me take care of this one last thing and then we'll be on our way." She smiled down at her fellow passenger and asked, "Are you all right sir?"

He smiled back at her figuring that she felt sorry about his injuries. "I'll feeling better now, thanks."

"That's too bad" Brenda responded as she smacked him one more time for good measure before she turned as left the plane.

Brenda and Thomas picked up their luggage and she insisted that he follow her to the Barrett Industries limo. She would not hear of him trying to catch a cab at this hour. As they made themselves comfortable in the back of the limo, she offered him a drink. Her eyes sparkled with happiness in seeing her friend again. He looked so different in Western styled clothing, but good.

"So what brings you to this neck of the woods Thomas?" Brenda asked as she leaned back into the plush upholstery as she sipped her mineral water.

Thomas smiled warmly down at Brenda as he pensively responded, "I'm here as a favor to Jax. He's at loose ends with business being slow during the holidays, so he asked me if I'd join him in an adventure. I'm meeting him here, and after Christmas, we are traveling to Mexico for some spelunking."

Brenda's eyes misted, "Jax is here? In London, now?" Her heart raced at the thought that she was in the same city with him. It was strange since she didn't want to see him again, it was too humiliating. He had cast her aside in the cruelest most hurtful way possible.

"Not yet, but he's flying his jet here tomorrow. Jerry's here too, so he'll be hosting me until Jax arrives. I'm am so sorry it did not work out for you and Jax. I don't know what to say. I never saw two more perfect people for one another."

"Did Jax ever tell you what was wrong with me? What did I do wrong?" Brenda looked hopefully at Thomas.

"He did not divulge his reasons to me Brenda, but you should not ever think you did anything wrong. A more devoted, trustworthy soul I have never found. It is Jax who must be lacking. There is something wrong with him, I feel it in my heart. He has not been the same man since you parted ways. He is harsh, abrupt, serious and sad, so very sad. That is why I have agreed to join him here this holiday. It is my fond hope that when we are alone, he will tell me what is eating at his soul, his heart."

Brenda's tears streamed down her face in shame, "I am so sorry Thomas, I should never have asked you to betray a trust. Jax is your best friend and I should never have tried to use our friendship to obtain information from you. Let me take you to Jerry's house." Brenda leaned forward and opened the privacy window to her chauffeur. "Holland Park, the Jacks' Mansion, please."

Thomas stopped Brenda before she shut the window, "Just wait a moment driver. There's no one there right now Brenda. Jerry sent me the key, he said he was going to occupied all evening and I was to make myself at home and he would see me tomorrow morning. I'm in no hurry, let's get something to eat and talk."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ Julia's House - Midnight ~

Brenda unlocked the door to Julia's house and found herself surrounded by opulence. Even in the darkness she could see the money that decorated this room. From the Persian carpets to the brocade curtains, to the onyx statues, this room screamed of wealth. Not really Brenda's style but this was so Julia. Brenda's tastes tended more towards comfort, earth tones, big airy windows, throw pillows and candles, lots and lots of candles. This room was totally Julia though. It was sophisticated, chic, and elegant, just like its owner.

Brenda wandered over to the window as she heard the slow mournful chime of Big Ben as it tolled midnight. She looked out at the moon that intermittently appeared and disappeared as the heavy wisps of fog floated in and around the city. She came here after dropping Thomas off at Jerry's. She had enjoyed their time together and wished him happy holidays before she departed. She smiled to herself as their conversation replayed in her mind. He was such a sweet man, she wondered why someone hadn't snatched him up yet. He was wise, honest, moral and kind. Why couldn't she fall in love with a man like that. No she was doomed to love men who treated her like dirt under their shoes. Her father had treated her like garbage and so did Jax. Is that why she loved Jax? Was he a variation of her father? Was she doomed to repeat her mistakes about men over and over until the day she died. As she looked sadly out the window, the fog lifted. As if by magic and an arrow of moonlight shone through and illuminated a young couple walking down the street hand in hand. The girl rested her head in the hollow of her date's shoulder, like she used to do with Jax. Brenda grinned as she saw how tightly they held to one another. At least someone had found romance on this world.

A woman's scream coming from the second floor frighten Brenda away from the window. She looked desperately around the room for a place to hide! As she ducked behind the couch she heard Julia voice pleading, begging.

"God Stop! You're killing me. NO! Please stop. I can't take any more. Stop!" Followed by another ear piecing scream.

Brenda looked around the room for a weapon. Julia was in trouble and she had to help her. She grabbed the fireplace poker and ran up the stairs. She was frantic as she tried to determine which room the screams emanated from. When she heard Julia scream again, she busted the door of that room down.

"I'm here Julia, I'll knock him out! Move out of the way!" Brenda dropped her poker at the sight before her. She was stunned! "Jerry?! Julia?!!" She covered her eyes with both hands as they grabbed for the sheets that had been pushed off her bed.

"I'm SO SORRY! I heard you screaming that someone was killing you and I thought .. .. .." She bent down and picked up her weapon as she backed out of the room. "I'll just take this with me. I can see that you don't need a poker." She blushed as she continued to back out of the room. "That didn't sound right, I didn't mean that you had a poker just that you didn't need THIS poker, and that you -- --" Brenda's monologue was stopped suddenly as a pillow was flung and hit her square on the face. She backed out quickly and slammed the door shut.

Brenda's heart was racing as she placed her hands on both cheeks. She could feel they had flame red with embarrassment. Well at least one Barrett had made a connection with a Jacks.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ Julia's Bedroom - December 24th - 9:00 A.M. ~

Julia awoke to the feel of soft kisses caressing her neck. She stretched and moved towards Jerry's side of the bed. They had been together for almost two months now. She had finally let him into her bed on Halloween night. He had been so charming, Prince Charming actually, that she had relented to his advances that night. They had been together every night since. She didn't know why she waited this long or why Jerry kept after so persistently, but she was so glad he had. He was an amazing lover. Nights, mornings, the bedroom, the shower, the kitchen, the balcony, the roof! It didn't matter to Jerry, nothing embarrassed him. He was insatiable, inventive and incredible! He could bring her to the tortuous edge, then pull back just enough to keep her from toppling, then rebuilt the tension again taking her to an incredible place where the line between pleasure and pain merged into one.

Julia's eyes opened with a start! Brenda had caught them together last night. She hadn't even told her that she and Jerry were together. Brenda had been so upset with her breakup with Jax that she didn't want to hurt her more by telling her that she and Jerry had gotten together. He was suppose to leave before Brenda arrived, but Jerry had been so seductive; one thing had led to another and she had lost track of time. What a image she must have made for Brenda. She had always been so proper and controlled. For Brenda to find them like that was so embarrassing. Jerry was such an outlandish, extraordinary lover that she always lost all control of her emotions when they made love. She had never met a man that made her feel or act that way. When he chased after her all that time boasting of his talents as a lover she had no idea how phenomenal he was. Her body infused with heat as Jerry moved lower, blanketing her breasts with his talented lips.

"Jer, stop. I need to speak with Bren-- --da about-- --about last night." Her words ended on a sigh as Jerry continued his sensual assault.

"But Julia, I'm still a starving man. I need to feel you, touch you, taste you. It's your fault you know, if you hadn't kept me waiting for sixteen long tortuous months, I wouldn't still have this aching need to release all this pent up pressure." As his lips continued his voyage down her body finding all her favorite spots, she reveled in the waves pleasure that had her shuddering for release, whimpering for him to stop his sweet torment of her senses. When she thought she could stand no more, Jerry relented and returned to her lips as they finally joined. His motions sent her senses soaring to the point where she forced herself to bite back her screams as her nails dug into his back. She closed her eyes as this hot white heat seeking missile exploded behind her eyes and her body jerked as it arched towards him as he too joined her in heaven.

An alarm blared in Julia's ear, pulling her out of her exhausted slumber. She reached for the clock and hit it in several places to get it to stop before she tossed it across the room. The sound continued as she finally opened her eyes and sat up. She was blinded by the morning sun that streamed through the skylight above. She panicked, what time was it?! The sun was way to high for it to still be morning! What must Brenda think? She finds us in bed late last night and now we've slept the morning away on Christmas eve! She looked for the time but it was lying on the floor across the room, she picked up Jerry's arm and looked at his watch. She dropped his arm in a daze as she saw the time was 11:00 A.M. That can't be right! Julia jumped as she realized that the alarm she heard was really the doorbell. Someone was at the front door. She made a mental note to have the sound changed on that bell. She hated the English version of a doorbell, the sound was too harsh and clamorous. She reached for her robe and tried to straighten her hair as she made her way down the stairs.

She opened the door and was stunned to see a tall Aboriginal man standing at her door. What in the world would this man want with her?

"May I help you?" Julia asked as she placed her foot behind the door as a wedge to keep him from entering her home. Not that he couldn't force his way in if he wanted, he was huge! Julia was happy to hear steps coming down the stairs.

Dressed in black jeans, Jerry descended, his head down as he buttoned his shirt. He looked up and smiled, running towards Julia placing a kiss on her cheek. "Morning luv. Thomas, what brings you here? Jax mention the two of you were going off on an adventure together after tomorrow. If you're here to see Brenda she's out and about already. There's a note on her door that she had errands to run and she'd be back for dinner." He opened the door wider to let Thomas enter and slapped him on the back. "Western clothes looks good on you mate, you should wear them more often."

"I find them somewhat restrictive. I can not wait till Jax and I are off to the Mayan caves so I can change to more comfortable clothes. But fashion is not why I ventured here. You said that Brenda is gone until evening?"

Jerry nodded as he led Thomas and a confused Julia into the living room. "That's what the note said. Do you want to leave a message for her? Or you're welcome to stay for dinner. Jax isn't suppose to arrive until later tonight, right?"

"Actually he changed his plans and arrived late last night. We spent the morning talking. In the early hours just before dawn he told me what went wrong between he and Brenda. Brenda needs to know what ridiculous untruths be believes of her. If Jax were not so blinded by jealousy and foolishness, he would know as I do that Brenda is not capable of that kind of deception."

Julia pulled her robe more tightly about her as she struggled to understand what Thomas was trying to tell them. "Deception? What does Jax think that Brenda did other than save his life, invest her blood, sweat and tears to make him whole again, only to be tossed aside like a used tissue when he was well enough to walk away!" Julia was now shaking with rage as Jerry pulled her towards him in a comforting hug.

Thomas looked calmly at them as he continued, "We all care for Brenda; and Jerry and I care about Jax. It plain for all to see that they aren't happy apart, so do you want to hear my plans to get them back together or not? We do not have much time, but with Jax busy with business and Brenda out shopping we may have time for my plan to work. So are you willing to help me make these two broken people whole?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* Song Credits Album - "Where Your Road Leads" Song - "Love Wouldn't Lie To Me" performed by Trish Yearwood

~ to be continued ~
