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! Many episodes from the early part of the season are missing. For that I apologize.


May 18, 2000

A pretty funny 7 Flush episode that got me going. Truth be told, a bunch of stuff happened this week that didn't matter (one with a bottle of wine, and one with Ros finding a date for the wedding) so I'm going to focus on the story we've all been dying to be resolved. Daphne has been extraordinarily upset the past week. Finally, Frasier tells Daphne to tell him what's wrong. She says that she knows about the secret crush Niles has on her. Frasier asks how she found out, and she tells him that he (Frasier) told her when he was on pain medication. More importantly, Daphne has a crush on Niles. Frasier wants to tell Niles the good news, but Niles went away for the night with his girlfriend, Mel. The two return and Niles tells Martin that he and Mel eloped. Frasier, however, did not know this, and he takes his dad out to go for a walk so that Niles and Daphne can talk. Daphne almost tells Niles how she feels, but Martin tells Frasier about the wedding so Frasier returns to his apartment just in time to stop Daphne from telling Niles. Daphne realizes that her and his separate marriages must progress.

However, the night before Daphne's wedding Frasier realizes that he must tell Niles that how Daphne feels. He does so, (Niles asks how Daphne found out and Frasier says that Ros told), and Niles then confronts Daphne. She says she is not sure about the two of them, but then they kiss. However, Daphne says that Niles is already married, and she cannot break up his marriage. He says that it is still OK to end both marriages. However, Daphne realizes that they have never even been on a date and do not know if they will get along romantically. It is now the day of the wedding. Niles is sitting in Martin's trailer outside of the hotel where the wedding is being held, and Frasier, Niles, and Martin are reflecting on how life will eventually improve. Niles says thanks for the support, but that he needs some alone time. Frasier and Martin leave the trailer. A moment later, Daphne comes into the trailer in her wedding dress and tells Niles that it is time they went on their first date. Niles starts the trailer and the two head off.


May 11, 2000

I don't know why, but as I watched this 6 Flush episode I felt as though I was watching a farce being performed by some high school students who tried to create a comedy of errors. The episode begins with Daphne in counseling. We learn that she is seeing a therapist after a judge ordered her to. Apparently, Daphne caused a four-car pile-up. How? Here's how. Daphne was at her bachelorette's party which was being held at Niles's apartment. For some strange reason, there were men at the party including Niles, Frasier, Martin, and Donny, her fiancee. Donny has a surprise for Daphne. He has flown in Daphne's favorite brother from England. Daphne is so happy to learn that her brother X is coming to visit, but it isn't brother X, instead it's Simon...Daphne's least favorite brother. Simon wreaks havoc on Daphne's life.

The night after the bachelorette party, Daphne washes the dress she wore to it. The dress was Daphne's favorite, and it got a little stain on it at the party. However, in the building's laundry room somebody took her dress out of the machine and threw it in a pile of bleach. Daphne is so mad that she takes out the clothes that entered "her machine" and threw them in a pile of dirty water. The night progresses, and Frasier returns. He is sick and angry and asks Daphne to do him some favors. Then Simon comes to the apartment with a group of strangers so that they can watch a baseball game; they expect Daphne to be their servant and get them beers and snacks. Finally, the person whose clothes Daphne threw out of the washing machine comes up to Daphne and yells at Daphne for what she did. Daphne is so frustrated by all that has been happening to her that she takes the woman's clothing and throws it out of the window. The clothing lands on cars below and causes an accident.

The therapist is satisfied with Daphne's explanation and is ready to let her go, but she has one question. Why was Daphne wearing her favorite dress to a crazy and cooky bachelorette party? Daphne says that she wore the dress for a special occasion. But the therapist reminds Daphne that the bachelorette party was a surprise. Daphne then recalls the events surrounding her coming to the party: She goes to Niles's apartment on a Saturday night thinking that she is to help him bake sticky buns. Daphne looks pretty, is excited to see Niles, and seems a little bit shy. Niles says to her that it's obvious she knows why she is here. Daphne says she does know...that it's obvious Niles didn't invite her over to help make sticky buns. Niles says that he'll be back in a moment and that Daphne should make herself comfortable. Daphne is excited because she knows that Niles is going to admit his love for her, and Daphne wants to reciprocate these feelings. But Niles comes back with everyone who has been invited to the party. Turns out the surprise is on Daphne, and she will not get a confession from Niles just yet.

NEXT WEEK: Season finale, one-hour episode...will Niles and Daphne realize their true feelings for each other or will Daphne marry Donny? We know this much, Niles tells Daphne how HE feels.

May 4, 2000

A fair 5 Flush episode of Frasier. Nothing of import happens and it's ten minutes before er so this summary will be short, although there is nothing to leave out as nothing happened. Frasier goes to a favorite restaurant named Stefano's. The owner of the restaurant, Stefano (played by Robert Loggia), is unveiling a caricature of Frasier that will be hung on the wall. Frasier thinks that the forehead of the caricature is too big and asks for a new one. A new one is created and the picture looks nothing like Frasier so Frasier goes to an outside source to get a new caricature. Stefano finds out what Frasier did and asks why he did this. Frasier explains to Stefano and Stefano's mother that the artist of the originals has no right to be an artist. As it turns out the original artist was Stefano's mother so Stefano kicks Frasier out of the restaurant.

Also this week, Daphne complains that her eyes are too dull and brown. Niles says that her eyes are lively and brilliant. Daphne gets embarrassed by this comment and runs off. OK, that's all, and I did this with five minutes to spare.

NEXT WEEK: Daphne visits a therapist. Will her feelings for Niles be revealed in therapy?


April 27, 2000

An amusing 7 Flush episode of Frasier but due to time constraints on my part, I'm going to keep this simple. Niles bumps into Maris one day (keep in mind that all episodes with Maris occur off-screen) and sees that she is fat. She went from stick skinny to lardass in four months. Anyway, today she saw a picture of Mel and Niles in the Society Section of the newspaper. Maris is very jealous and tells all of her friends that Mel is a bad plastic surgeon who messed up Maris's thyroid which explains why Maris has become so fat. Maris then comes and speaks with Niles. She may want him back.

Also this week, Frasier tries to throw a bachelor party for Donny, but has trouble hiring a stripper. He experiences many foibles while trying to hide this stripper from Daphne (who does not want Donny to have a stripper at his birthday party) and Regan (who is a woman that Frasier wants to date). The stripper is eventually discovered, and Daphne is only a little disappointed. Regan leaves Frasier, but Frasier wins a date with the stripper.

NEXT WEEK: Daphne hides her feelings for Niles. Frasier challenges a chef played by Robert Loggia.

April 20, 2000


April 13, 2000


April 6, 2000

A phenomenally funny 8 Flush episode of Frasier which proved that when this show is good, it is hilarious. It's time for contract renegotiations for Ros and Frasier, but before Frasier's contract is renewed, the radio station wants to try out a new show in the Frasier time slot. Frasier does not like the sound of this. Bebe, Frasier's agent, informs Frasier that they may cancel his show. Bebe gets Frasier a stint as a morning talk show host for a week in the hopes that raising Frasier's profile will make him more popular. Ros is supposed to be Frasier's cohost, but she turns up sick on the first day of the show. It's the last minute and there is no one to fill in but Bebe. Bebe and Frasier do a phenomenal job together as Bebe panders to Frasier's impersonations or his cooking with monkeys. The final day of shooting, Bebe informs Frasier that the two can become permanent hosts of the show. Frasier likes the idea, but he promised Ros that they would work together and he promised Niles that he would not make an ass out of himself. Bebe is disappointed with Frasier's final answer and says that she will go on hosting the show without him. The funny part about the episode was Frasier acting as host, because he was adequately pompous and ridiculously embarrassing at the same time. Brilliant! My only regret is that we may never again see Bebe.

Also this week, Martin finally admits that he needs glasses. He buys a pair, and when he returns with his glasses, Frasier notices that Martin is wearing a pair of lady's glasses (and a very ugly pair of lady's glasses at that). Martin insists they are for men and he even brags about the carrying case that the glasses come with. The case looks like a purse. At the end of the episode, Martin realizes his error, but I still thought the mistake a great folly.



March 30, 2000


March 23, 2000

A very disappointing 5 Flush episode. Frasier and Ros go on a trip to a radio conference. A hotel mix-up means that they have to share a room, but they do not mind because they both plan on having a random hook up this weekend and will sleep in their partners's rooms. Unfortunately, they both fail to hook up. They hang out in the hotel room and almost hook up themselves. However, a knock at the door prevents their relationship from developing. The storyline was not very funny nor was it very believable. Ros puts on a blonde wig, and Frasier grows a beard? The two drink a little, and all of a sudden, we're supposed to think that Ros and Frasier are in love? If the writers want a dark horse relationship, let's see Ros and Niles hook up. This relationship could cause Daphne to be incredibly jealous.

Also this week, Martin gets hired to do a special stakeout. Niles gets upset that his dad has put his life in danger on a stakeout and ends up going on the stakeout with him. The two bond in an unfunny and unemotional way on the stakeout. At the end of the episode when the two bond, I yawn.


March 16, 2000


March 9, 2000


March 2, 2000



February 24, 2000

A funny episode that wins 7 Flushes. Frasier asks Niles to nominate him for cork master of a wine club. The cork master is in charge of all wine club events. Niles tells Mel about Frasier's nomination. Mel reminds Niles that he wanted to be cork master and that he should vie for the mastership. Niles does just this and wins the wine-off. This scene where Frasier and Niles tasted wines to see who was a better wine expert was uproarious. Anyway, Frasier is upset that he lost but will get over it. In the meantime, he decides that he should get to know Mel better. He invites Mel over to his apartment for brunch one day. The whole cast is there: Frasier, Niles, Martin, Daphne, Ros, and Mel. Everyone agrees that Mel is just like Maris and that she controls Niles's life too much. But Martin and Frasier decide not to tell Niles that they disapprove of Mel, because they know that he wants them to like her. Unfortunately, Daphne gets drunk and lets out that she hates Mel and then Ros chimes in that Frasier does not like Mel either. Before we know it, Niles learns that everyone hates Mel. He is so upset that he leaves. (By this point, Mel had already left due to a medical emergency. She is a doctor and had to go perform surgery.)

At the end of the episode, Daphne is still a bit tipsy and says that sometimes we have to repress urges to do things. Frasier asks what she means. Daphne explains that sometimes one might have a crush on someone but cannot do anything about it. This comment obviously hints at her love for Niles, but her comment ends there, and Frasier suspects nothing.

Also this week, Martin sleeps with a woman named Claire. Claire's husband was a close friend of Martin and only died recently. A slew of jokes result from this relationship. There was dramatic irony and sexual innuendo up the wazoo.


February 17, 2000

This week was two episodes back-to-back. No uniting theme between these two episodes but NBC hopes to make big bucks by showing two episodes at once...especially given sweeps.

Episode 1: 8 Flushes. This episode confronted racism. Ros is on vacation for a week. Her replacement is too ready to give out advice to callers. Frasier wants to tell her to shut up, but fears that if he criticizes her that he'll be seen as racist, because Ros's replacement is black. Instead, he just encourages her to do what she's doing. Before we know it, Frasier's radio show is called the "Frasier and Whatever-This-Lady's-Name-Is Show." Frasier's sensitivity to racism has made him racist. He refuses to resolve an issue because of race. At the end of the episode, Frasier tells her that he cannot work with her anymore. She understands. She only wishes that Frasier had told her sooner. He explains that he thought that if he criticized her that he would be accused of being racist. She says that she would have understood and forgives him. Besides, she became so popular working with Frasier that she now has her own radio talk show on another station. The episode was a good lesson in opening communication between people. BUT this episode was funny at the same time. There was also this thing with Niles this episode and how he just got a yellowbelt in kickboxing. He was showing off his skills to Martin when he kicks Daphne and feels incredibly guilty so he starts doing her a million favors.

Episode 2: 8 Flushes. Frasier is not sure what to get Daphne for her wedding present. He asks Martin, and the two decide that they will share the cost of Daphne's wedding flowers. Frasier tells Martin that he can pay whatever he can afford, and Frasier will make up the difference. Well, Frasier goes to tell Daphne the good news. In the background of this event, Daphne had been complaining about how demanding her mother was and how her mother was trying to control the wedding. Anyway, Frasier goes to Daphne and says, "We would love to pay for your wedding ." The hiccup prevented Frasier from saying wedding flowers. He then repeats himself and also hiccups when he means to say flowers. Daphne is so excited because now she can ignore her mother's advice. At first Frasier is miserable that he has to pay for the wedding, but then he begins to enjoy wedding preparations. Although he enjoys it too much, because he begins to pick out the food, the flowers, and the music. Daphne gets fed up with Frasier's controlling attitude and says that she does not want Frasier's money at all. Also in this episode, Ros tries to avoid becoming a bridesmaid. She hides from Daphne at every corner so she does not become a bridesmaid. Why does Ros not want this duty? She hates wearing the ugly dresses. However, she sees the dress that Frasier had picked out for the bridesmaids, and she loves this dress. SO she begins to make sure that Daphne sees her. Soon enough, Daphne asks Ros to be a bridesmaid. Ros says yes. The bad news: now that Frasier is not running the wedding, Ros is going to have to wear some ugly dress. Finally, Niles went to a dating service to get matched with a perfect woman. The problem: the dating service is an escort service and Niles is paying hundreds of dollars an hour just to wine and dine a prostitute. After some fun with Niles's stupidity, Frasier tells Niles that he is seeing a prostitute at which point Niles ends his affair. But one question remains: why is Niles dating someone new when he has Mel?

NEXT WEEK: Niles and Frasier duel it out in a wine-tasting competition. Martin has sex with his dead friend's widow.

February 10, 2000

Nothing important happened this week, and I am very busy so I will keep this briefer then brief. It's Valentine's Day, and Frasier and Martin go to the opera. (If I had more time I would explain why Martin is going to the opera.) At intermission, this father-son pair meet an available mother-daughter pair. Frasier connects with the daughter, but Martin does not like the mother so he says that he is gay. Trouble ensues when Frasier takes the daughter back to his apartment. She brings her gay uncle with her who she thinks would be perfect for Martin. You can imagine the folly that results. It was funny if not original and clever. 8 of 10 flushes. No other plot stories this week.
NEXT WEEK: Roz goes on vacation, and her substitute threatens to take over Frasier's radio show. Niles learns kickboxing.

February 3, 2000

This episode had its moments, but I think that Frasier might be losing its Midas touch. Frasier is hanging out in the cafe when he sees a girl he knew from high school. Her name is Lorna Lenley, and she was the prom queen girl whereas Frasier was the dork. Lorna comes over to say "hi" and "remember me." We learn that she is a real estate agent. Frasier tries to ask Lorna out but instead asks her to appraise his apartment. She agrees. She comes over, and the two talk. Frasier admits that he only asked her to appraise his house when he stumbled asking her out for a date. Lorna says that it's not too late for him to ask her out. Frasier then asks her out. The two have dinner and then sex. The next morning, the two oversleep, and Lorna becomes a Type A, stressed out junky. She starts making calls on her cell phone...she yells at her secretary and children (Lorna is a recent divorcee) over the phone, but always speaks softly to Frasier. Frasier later speaks with Ros and says that he went to bed with the prom queen and woke up with Carrie. He decides to break up with Lorna, but before he can, she asks him to go to a retirement party for the high school football coach. Frasier cannot resist the urge to be seen with a pretty girl at a high school party to prove how great he has become. The two arrive at the party, and before they enter the party room, Lorna says that Frasier is such a sweet and nice guy who would never take advantage of a woman. Frasier says that he cannot go into the room with Lorna, b/c he would just be using her. She says that she just wants to be seen with him b/c he is successful. The two go in, but their relationship ends here. Too bad, Jene Smart (of Designing Women) did a brilliant job playing the manic Lorna.

Niles asks Daphne for some help so that he can cook a special dinner for Mel (his girlfriend). Daphne agrees. While they cook, Niles burns himself. Daphne rubs some aloe onto Niles's hand in a very seductive manner and then when Martin enters the kitchen, Daphne becomes very though she felt guilty for rubbing Niles's hand. Niles asks Frasier if Daphne maybe has feelings for him. Frasier says absolutely no. Niles is just transferring his inability to commit to Mel by creating a fantasy that Daphne likes him.

QUOTE OF THE EPISODE: I'm always trying to quit, but whenever I do, I just balloon up. Trust me, You don't want to see my ass when I'm off these things. -- Lorna on quitting cigarettes
NEXT WEEK: It's Valentine's Day, and Frasier drags Martin to the opera where Martin is mistaken for being gay.