People of Tetbury in 1735

Blanch, Blanchet, Blandford, Blathwayte, Blick, Bliss, Blunt, Bockey, Body, Bole
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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.

Blanch, Blanchet

Mary Blanchet, a Widow, was buried on 17110502.
Mary Blanch was buried on 17410415.


Susannah Blandford Widow named Thomas Tompson Woolcomber as father of her male child born 14 Sep 1763 reference P328a OV 5/2 dated 15-Jun 1764.


Samuel Blathwayte baptised his daughter Mary, on 17680201.


Will of Alice Blick 1695/19

Will written on 20 Dec 1694, and is Proved on 6 Feb 1695
To my brother Thomas Blick 10 pounds and my brother Giles Blick 40 shillings
To my late sister Edith Beale's four children 40 shillings apiece
To my kinsman Thomas Beale and his wife Ann 4 pounds apiece and forebearance on the 60 pounds he owes me
To my kinsman John Frape 20 pounds and to John Shipway 5 pounds
I make my kinsman John Pinton? of Cleaveridge sole executor and leave him, Thomas Bayly and Nathaniel Cripps equal shares of the remainder of my estate

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 33 16-Dec 1713 Anthony Blick in the weekly list of market stall holders

Of ELMSTREE 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
John 51, his wife 47, his son John 16 and one Lodger.
Not in Registers The Blick family except John's marriage 1749.

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Blick JohnHouse 27.10 &w 1cd - lg1 ch4
He 1684-Wife 1688-John 1719-

John Blick married 17490702 to Hannah Townsend, the daughter of William baptised 17160716.


John Bliss buried 17120623, was Vicar for 25 years.
He baptised Elizabeth 17021017 born Oct 16, John 17040410 born March 31 and lived 19 weeks, and Mary 17080622.

The Hearth Tax at Nearby Places
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
1671, 1672 Minchinhampton Toby Bliss 3 hearths
1672 Minchinhampton Thomas Bliss 2 hearths
1671 Rodborow John Bliss Exempt

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 11 18-May 1700 John Bliss signed a Protest asking that the 13 be re-established
D 566 B 2/12 08-Apr 1712 John Bliss was paid 3-0-0 for preaching 1 year
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718 Page 07, Mr Bliss for his tythes 50-0-0

Will of John Bliss 1711/241

Will signed 1 Aug 1711 and Proved 9 Jul 1712
To each of my daughters Elizabeth and Mary I give 300 pounds to be paid when she marries with the consent of my executrix
I leave all the rest of my possessions to my wife Elizabeth and appoint her my sole executrix.

Bigland recorded
On a Brass Plate in the Chancel, of the Old Church.
John Bliss, Vicar of this Place
who died 20 June, 1712, Aet 63 years.

Jane Bliss, daughter of Joseph Bliss deceased and Ann his wife, was married early 1744 to Abraham Clark, son of Abraham Clark deceased and Ann his wife, with the consent of the Quakers of Nailsworth, meeting in Tetbury. is the web site for the Bliss family.
The page called Pioneers has this note
"THOMAS BLISS of Hartford Connecticut was probably a native of Co. Gloucester, England. He married Margaret Hulins of Rodborough in that county at Gloucester St Nicholas 18th Oct 1621. Their son Nathaniel was baptised at Rodborough 28th Dec 1622. It is probable that Margaret was his second wife and that Thomas had children by his first marriage.
The children of Thomas Bliss of Hartford were: By first wife? THOMAS born c 1618 ANN born c 1620.
By Margaret NATHANIEL born 1622 MARY born c 1625 LAWRENCE born c 1628 HANNAH born c 1633 JOHN born c 1635 SARAH born c 1638 (America?) HESTER & ELIZABETH twins born c 1640 (Hartford?) SAMUEL bn c 1642 (Hartford?)"


At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
William 29, his wife 26, and one Servant.

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Blunt William House 9.08 &w sv1-ch3
He 1706 She 1709-

William Blunt baptised his son Samuel 17370428.


In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P 328a OV 3/1/2 03-Sep 1728 Samuel Bockey had a Settlement Certificate from St Bridget's in London

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Samuel 46, and his wife Mary 45
Not in Census Thomas 35, wife 33, Hester 11, Mary 9

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Samuel p9

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Bockey SamuelHouse 16.10 &w - ch2
He 1688-48Mary 1690-66

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M3 1746 - 417 members of the Court Leet Page 9 Samuel Bockey

Mary Bockey married Broom Wallis of Calne on 17481107. Was she Thomas's daughter? There is no further mention of Broom or his wife

Samuel Bockey and Mary his wife had a Settlement problem at Tetbury, reference P 328a OV 3/1/2 dated 3-Sep 1728. They had a Settlement certificate showing they belong to St Bridget in London.
Samuel Bockey was buried 17480719. Mary is buried as Samuel's widow aged 76 on 17660815.

Thomas Backey married 17221023 to Sarah Hallings 1700 - 17290321, and baptised Hester 17240301 and Thomas 17270312 lived 9 days. The census suggests his second wife is in residence.


Nathaniel Bodye wed Elizabeth Maddye 2 May 1633
Nathaniel Body wed Hester Hodges 14 Oct 1656
Mary Body wed William Arnell 24 June 1679
Hester Body wed Jonathan Wicks 28 Dec 1682
Nathaniel Body wed Katherin Steedman 7 Apr 1687
Mary Body wed Richard Blanchet 4 Jan 1700
Nathaniel Body wed Katherin Savage 13 June 1706
Ester Body wed Daniel Jones 16 Sept 1711

1670 Nathaniel Body was Churchwarden

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home in Tetbury
Oct 1672 Body 4 hearths Church Street

1700-1 Nathaniel Body Junior was Churchwarden
1707 Nathaniel Body became a Feoffee
1717 - 30 Giles Body was Churchwarden
1718 Giles Body became Feoffee, died 21 July 1738

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P328a OV 4/1 16-Aug 1694 Nathaniel Body Master to Apprentice Mary Stephens
D 566 B 2/2 05-Oct 1698 Nathaniel Body Bailiff of Tetbury for 52 weeks
D 566 B 2/2 05-Oct 1698 Nathaniel Body signed Bailiff's accounts
D 566 B 11 18-May 1700 Nathaniel Body and Nathaniel Body Junior signed a Protest asking that the 13 be re-established
D 566 L 3/2 24-Oct 1700 Nathaniel Body signed the Deed of protest against the 13
D 566 B 2/4 17-Sep 1718 Giles Body signed as a member of the Thirteen
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 07, Estate Body leased by Mathew Wilkins 18-0-0
Page 15, Estate Body now owned by Mathew Wilkins 22-0-0
Page 11, Junior Body for the Dolphin 10-0-0
Page 05, Nathaniel Body Junior for The Bear and Hopkin's house 13-0-0
Page 04, Nathaniel Body Senior's dwelling 20-0-0
Page 01, William Body ground owned by Gastrell

D 566 B 2/3 20-Aug 1719 Giles Body signed as one of the 13
D 566 B 37 12-Jun 1721 Giles Body one of 13, agree to purchase Mayo's house in West St, for use of Schoolmaster
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 Giles Body column 1

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Giles 43, his wife Mary 45, three children Nathaniel 16, Ann 11 and Giles 7, two Servants and one Lodger

Court Leet Roll 1735 - John p2 (Town Jury)

Ted Prince research for 1735
Giles Body
Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for erecting posts or
rails before his door and in the streets or waste land.
To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of one pound
Nathaniel Body
Purchased The Ferns in 1671
the house became the Grammar School and is now the Surgery.
In 1695 Nathaniel also bought Hacket Court, later called The Priory.

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Body Mr House 3.08 &w 3cd sv2 lg1 - ch8
Giles 1692-38 Mary 1690-60
Nathaniel 1719-61 Ann 1724- Giles 1728-36

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1741-9
1742-3 Ratepayers in Tetbury rate set at two shillings in the Pound,
Page 50 Mrs Body Widow 69-12-00

Page 420, Apr 1747 Mr Body in Harper St Ratepayer of Tetbury
Page 419, Apr 1747 Mrs Body Ratepayer of Tetbury

In Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1750-9
Listing by streets is a new feature. Rate set at 4/- in the Pound 1754,
7 Upton, Daniel Bolton 9-0-0 for Upton, Fields
8 Upton, Daniel Bolton 13-5-0 for part late Wickes
63 Long Street downwards, John Bolton 0-17-0

26-Nov 1748 Nathaniel Body Vestry requires him as land owner adjoining the lane called Under Bridge Lane to mend it

Bigland recorded
In the Churchyard, on a stone against the Steeple
In memory of John Body, and Margaret, his wife,
She died April 6, 1726 in the 25 year of his age.
He died April 11, 1763, in the 63 Year of his life.
On two stones in the Churchyard
In Memory of Mr Giles Body,
who died July 21, Anno Dom 1738, aged 46 years
And of Nathaniel Body, Clothier,
who died 27 of Nov in the 47 year of his age, A. D. 1710
Mary, the Relict of Giles Body, Gent. died June 1, 1760 aged 70 Years
Nathaniel, their son, dyed Febr 26, 1761, in the 42 Year of his Age

Will of Elizabeth Body 1724/212

Elizabeth, Widow, signed her name on her Will on 12 Apr 1721, and it was Proved 27 Jul 1724
She names her kinsman Bernard Wicks and nephew John Wicks, and John's childen John, Joseph, William, Moses, Margaret and Elinor
Her kinsman Francis Savage, his wife her kinswoman Abigail Savage, and her children John, Francis, Elizabeth, Elinor and Mary
Her kinsman John Body, who is to receive her mourning ring inscribed NB
Her sisters Hester Cove(?) and Susannah Barnard are her sole executors and beneficiaries after the bequests are paid.

Giles Body died two days before he was buried 17360227 aged 46, Mary his wife who died June 1, was buried 17600605 aged 70, Nathaniel who died 26 Feb, was buried 17610301 aged 42, his brother John who died 11 April, was buried 17630416, and John's wife Margaret died and was buried 17260406 aged 24.

Giles Body was baptised 16920815, son of Nathaniel and Catherine Steedman who was buried 17001205 His sons Nathaniel and Giles are recorded very fully in the Baptism register. Nathaniel was born 8.25am on Nov 11 and baptised 1719 1116, and Giles was born at 7am 31 Dec and baptised 17280103. Mary who died aged 8 months and Ann only have their baptisms recorded.

John Body buried his wife Margaret 17260406

Nathaniel Body and his wife Ester Master for apprentice Mary Stephens a Poor child of Tetbury to learn Housewifery, reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 16-Aug 1694

Nathaniel Body, 16640804 - 17091130, son of Nathaniel, married 16870407 to Catherine Steedman 1662 - 17001205 and baptised Giles 16920815, Nathaniel 16931116, Thomas 16950118 - 17091027 lived 14 years, William 16960503 - 17400319 and James 16990308.
His second wife buried 17030108 baptised twins 17011211 Catherine - 17490429 and John, and James 17030108 - 17700925 aged 67, baptised the same day his mother was buried.
He married 17060613 to Catherine Savage 1661 - 17490120 aged 88 and on 17091130 Nathaniel and his daughter were buried, possibly 12 year old Mary, a month after his son Thomas was buried aged 14.


Not in Registers Elizabeth Bole and her Lodger.

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Bole Elizabeth House 23.15 + 1 Lg 2 Ch

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