The Artful Dodger was really the reason I watched the four part CBC special about Oliver Twist, but as I preferred Jack Dawkins for his uniqueness in 'Oliver!' and the book, he became almost invisible in this version with very little of the Artful attitude- but Monks stepped out. Monks is the epileptic (a disease in which you have violent seizures when excited) half-brother of Oliver, who is trying to get Oliver destroyed so he can get his inheritance. He is really, a very interesting and intrigueing character, and so I decided to put some quotes from the book and the tv mini series of Oliver Twist by Alan Bleasdale and perhaps a few pictures if I could of Monks or Edward Leeford here.

*For informations sake, Edwin Leeford was both Oliver and Monks' father, and Anges was the woman that Edwin fell in love with after he ran away from Monks and his mother and who is also the mother of Oliver.*

Pictures Qoutes Sound

The profession page of it.
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