Aircheck Tracker

Profile: Paul Gambaccini:  Born in New York City in April 1949, Paul gained a history degree at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, before crossing the Atlantic to attend Oxford University (University College) from which he graduated with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics.

Paul was a disc-jockey in the States on the WDCR commercial station in New Hampshire between 1967 and 1970 and became general manager and Chairman of the Board.

He has been a contributing writer for "Rolling Stone" magazine - also having his views on the music scene published in other magazines and pop/rock journals.  Paul has been heard on the BBC ever since he came to the UK, first regularly on Radio 1 from 1973, presenting "Rockspeak", "Rock Week" and a 13-week series "All American Heroes".

'Gambo's' hobbies include baseball (he played in Regent's Park), squash, golf, films and classical piano playing.  One of Paul's memorable projects is a radio version of "The Elton John Story" back in the 1970s.

Whereabouts:  Paul continues his heavy involvement as a critic and presenter for the broadcasting industry in the UK, presenting the American chart on 88-91FM Radio Two from the BBC where he has been presenting for some time now.  Until January 2003, he also presented the 'Classic Countdown' for Classic FM Saturday mornings -  from 9:00am-Noon. However, Mark Goodier has moved from Radio 1's Chart Show to present the show from January 2003

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