The Phlegm Pot

Artemis Fowl and the Mysteries of the People


The Gnommish font for Mac and Windows!
Gnommish 101 - An introduction to the language of the People
The Prophecies of Ohm - Elfen King Frond's phlegm pot cleaner foretells the future
Links - Other sites about Artemis Fowl

Send all abuse and other inquiries to

Please Note! Gnommish, like all languages, evolves and changes over time. The Gnommish discussed on these pages was completely correct according to the first printing of Artemis Fowl in the United States. Variations exist! For instance, the 'E' sometimes appears above the first letter in a word. Sometimes a 'double-E' is represented by two marks on top of each other. The discussions and fonts found on this site are not "wrong", they simply might be based on a slightly different verison than you have. Do not email me about the 'E'! - Sincerely, The Phlegm Pot