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Las Páginas de J.e.t

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Welcome(click for audio greeting) - The J.e.t Pages contain links to news and images of this part of the Tropics, Venezuela (the original address is /TheTropics/1492). Some self indulgent rambling and photos can be found as well. The self indulgent content probably cancels out any merit derived from the self promoting stuff but possibly not as it is often remarked that their is no accounting for taste. An {E} in front of a link means it has bilingual or Spanish content only. Thanks for visiting, John E.Tisdall(J.E.T)

Las Páginas de JET han llegado aunque sea en forma naciente. Por el momento "links" en Español que estan disponibles en ambas lenguas o Español solamente tienen una (E) enfrente.

The Options Available


-The Jet Pages A semi-autobiographical array of all types of bytes.

-The Rant Page for articles about a turn of the century Venezuela caudillo and dictator. Other discourses suitable for the soapbox are invited and forthcoming.

-Visit the Venezuelan Images Page. This is a collection of photos and graphics of Venezuela, mostly of the Gran Sabana, as well as a few photos from old journeys elsewhere. To be expanded and edited as soon as possible.

-Go Direct to my Curriculum Vitae or if you need more specific information about my work in film production go to the Wild Track Productions Page .

-Go to the Your Thoughts Page.

-Las Páginas de JET en Español.- Coming Soon

Some Essential Venezuelan Links


(E)Try the The Venezuelan Web Server.
A must- La Cocina Venozolana  A very well done site full of Venezuelan recipes.
{E} A large collection of links to all things Venezuelan (en Espanol) by Category can be found at Auyantepui (named for a Tepuy the mesa type structure from which Angel Falls or the Salto de Angel originates.
As well as this Caracas Weather Report
{E-bilingual} Information on Latin America, the Caribbean and Venezuela at Latin World.
{E}Coming Soon! Watch an inevitable recovery from the brink of financial disaster. Witness Venezuela rising, a veritable phoenix, from the ashes of a huge financial-corruption scandal, as reflected in the Bolsa de Valores de Caracas.And falling . And rising again? 6/98
(E)Venezuelan and Latin American information of all sorts and links(in Spanish) try ITI-NET -Venezuela.
Venezuelan information from those curious folks at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
CENSORED! For a look at one of the first ISP's (internet Service Providers) in Caracas visit True Net or .
(E)To become more familiar with Venezuela and the rest of the historically neglected Southern Hemisphere investigate The Latin American Studies Information Center(UT-LANIC) at The University of Texas and {E}The Spanish Language and Culture Page at the University of Ohio.
(E) Lots of Venezuelan Info at CyberSite Venezuela.
Another map and quick facts at Down 3.22.97 Craighead's Country Facts: Venezuela. replacement coming
(E)Venezuela and Japan strike a blow for international cooperation with the The Japan-Venezuela Network.
Venezuela Trade Info at The Venezuelan Export Directory.Link Down still 23.6.2000 replace!

Relevant Newslinks


Caracas Daily A Caracas headline news site with links to stories not found in North American papers and avasilable in English and /or Spanish.A sub-site of as is the following link.....
South American Daily A new (2000)English Language site that has headline news not found in North American papers and links to news resources throughout Latin America.
{E}El Universal On line One of Venezuela's major dailys. Latin American Oil Industry News.
Venezuela On-Line News- an English Web daily that is similar in content(English) to the venerable Daily Journal of Caracas, the oldest English daily in Venezuela which (as of yet) does not have a digital ediiton for those of us outside the country.{E} An excellent financial site with statisitics and articles detailing the state of the Venezuelan Economy.
{E}Economia Hoy A Venezuelan Daily Economics Newspaper.
NEW!{E}2001 A Venezuelan Daily- national award winner.
Venezuelan News Analysis- "Analitica"
Diario la Hora
El Universal
Venezuela Al Dia - periodico informativo Venezolano circulado en Miami.
Viernes - diario electronico de la region Zuliana.
VENews/VHeadline Venezuelas Electronic News- continuous independent Venezuelan news coverage.
{E}El Nacional On line Another one of Venezuela's major dailys.
{E}Notiven A variety of national and regional Venezuelan news services. E-mail subscriptions are encouraged for regular users.
{E}Atarraya, es una lista de discussion sobre Venezuela y otros topicos. Tambien es una forma de mantener lazos con el pais y con otros compatriotas en el exterior. {E}Atarraya
Il Corriere de Caracas The Italo-Venozolano Daily.
The International Herald Tribune As they say "the World's Newspaper".
The An excellent independent news resource, grassroots network for journalists of all kinds from around the world.
AJR/Newslink-South American Newspapers, etc. An excellent news resource.
The New York Times Daily
{E}The Wall Street Journal-Americas Edition in Spanish
(E)Noticias de España según "El Comercio" 11/96- LINK BACK UP !
(E)El Economista. [México, D.F.]
(E)La Jornada [México, D.F.]

Venezuelan Universities

-Universidad Simon Bolivar, (Spanish).
-Universidad Central de Venezuela, (Spanish).
-Universidad Catolica Andres Bello, (Spanish).
-Universidad Metropolitana, unofficial homepage (Spanish).
-Universidad de Los Andes, (Spanish).
-Universidad del Zulia, (Spanish).
-Universidad de Carabobo, (Spanish).
-IVIC - Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research

star imageVenezuelan Government and Institutions

-Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C.
-Reacciun's Web Server a project of CONICIT, (Spanish).
-Venezuelan Consulate in Boston, (Spanish).
-Venezuelan Congress and Legislation, (Spanish).

image of star (E)Revistas -Venezuelan Magazines Online-all of the following Venezuelan Magazines or "Revistas" are, of course, in Castellano and as such have a "(E)" in front accordingly. My thanks to {E}El Universal for the initial links.

star image{E}Compuchamos La revista perfecta para niños en la web

star image{E}Cine Citas
Revista on line de cine hispano, venezolano y español.

star image{E}ComputerWorld Venezuela Revista de tecnología e Internet en español. Actualizaciones semanales, artículos, reportajes y noticias.

star image{E}ComunicaNet. La RevistaRevista on line de política y economía. Tiene un buscador y se actualiza semanalmente. Cubre temas como la nueva Constitución y recorre el ámbito de los rumores y susurros de la actualidad nacional.

star image{E}Descifrado
Revista on line de actualidad política, económica y finanzas, con actualizaciones diarias, reportajes, y artículos de opinión.

star image{E}En el Medio Revista Interactiva
Magazine electrónico con información diaria y gratuita sobre la movida publicitaria y la producción audiovisual, los medios de comunicación y las comunicaciones de Venezuela.

star image{E}Entre rayas. Revista de arquitectura
Revista por suscripción de arquitectura y diseño.

star image{E}Modaweb
Revista on line dedicada a la moda venezolana. por suscripción de arquitectura y diseño. Contiene una guía de diseñadores de moda, agencias de modelaje, fotógrafos, orfebres, institutos y todo lo que necesites averiguar sobre el mundo fashion.

star image{E}Home - Su guía del hogar
Revista on line especializada en información sobre el hogar. Muebles, artículos del hogar y materiales de construcción y decoración.

star image{E}Megarevistas
Este sitio ofrece una variedad de revistas en línea especializadas en diversos temas desde los caninos hasta la gastronomía universal.

star image{E}Notas - Revista interactiva de música
Hecha en Venezuela, esta revista en línea ofrece un extenso menú de informaciones musicales, cine, espectáculos, los famosos de la televisión y la literatura.

star image{E}PCra & Macworld
Revista especializada en diseño gráfico, computación e internet.

star image{E}Pelota Caliente
Revista de béisbol. Contiene información sobre las ligas y los equipos, las reglas e historia del juego, reseñas sobre jugadores venezolanos en el exterior y mucho más sobre este fascinante juego deportivo.

star image{E}Zona 4 x 4
Revista especializada en el mundo de los vehículos 4 x 4. Reportajes, noticias. Difunde un boletín mensual sobre los vehículos 4 x 4 a todos los interesados.

star image{E}Venezuela On Line
Revista de actualidad con información general. Recopila noticias y reportajes de política, economía y negocios, además de sites de diversión y entretenimiento. Tiene salas de chat y foros de discusión sobre temas nacionales e internacionales.


Not satisfied? Try the links below or search Lycos using this handy interface.


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Links to other sites on the Web


Payne Phillburns Web Tan Salon

Capitol Access Web Site-DC links-Telnet 

The Human Languages Page

  Traceroute, Ping, Domain Name Server (DNS) Lookup, WHOIS, DNS Records Lookup, and E-Mail relay Check. Find out who that site is registered to, ping a friend, trace the route your data packets take to get to an address and register your site or see if a name is taken! 

Auto Pilot-where she stops nobody knows.

Digital Voodoo-The Jimi Hendrix Experience.

  Univesity of Santa Barbara Spanish Links Page- a comprehensive collection of links to all manner of Spanish-Latin Web Resources. 

Urban Legends-exposed!

Seems that Venezuela has a world class virus problem. All my virus encounters have come in mail from Venezuela. The darker the shade worse the problem. From Mcafee. Scan those attachments!-j.e.t 21.01.01. For the geographically challenged, Venezuela is the country with the darkest hue in South America, the continent in the lower left quarter of the map.

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Created: 15.8.1995 Last Updated: 3:56 PM 06.08.2001 Apologies for the few links that have to be updated. Perdon!! La version en Espanol llegará..... if you are done browsing then you might

and say goodbye to this window.... 

1.279.000 = page hits until 1999 when geocities changed counter code. The figure above was arrived at by adding hits since discovery that counter was down to old total (which must be in large part web bots since 1995) so the actual figure should be a couple hundred more-Geocities may have erred in posting the 1279000 figure to the counter but that is indeed what it showed until I made a splash page, discovered the counter didn't work, and then discovered that the code for the cgi script had changed. So its not a figure I trust but not a figure I made up either although it seems high to me.As of June 2, 2001 my counter has been reduced some one million odd hits. Not sure what the new one represents are why I bother.

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