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Sri Lanka



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What's Up - Pt. II

The SrinkieNet

served since 25th November 1999

Welcome to the SrinkieNet version 2.0.

As you can see the SrinkieNet has changed, changed bigtime. There is a reason. After all my time in the US I'm back in good ol' Sri Lanka. This gives me access to more information and resources and with all those resources I have decided to do a complete revamp.

I have changed the navigation system to make it easier. The old frames/no frames system is gone. The background has changed, but I will be keeping the flame motif in honour of the now defunct website from hell.

The site content has also changed. The content will be more dynamic, with more resources and reviews on things to do, places to see, places to give a miss to. This site will be dedicated to Sri Lankan culture (with a small "c") at the ground level. I hope to put up reviews of what goes on in Sri Lanka (courtesy of my friends who run around and do all the "do's".)

I will also attempt to provide interpretations of the news of the day. I will not report the news. You can get more up to date reports from Reuters and the BBC and CNN. I will just try to explain what that news means to the people on the street. My views may be biased, but I will try to keep the interpretations as unbiased as possible.

Of course the old favourites will still be here. The FAQ, the Resource Center, the fonts, they are all there. There will also be many new additions to them. The Sri Lanka FAQ which was last reviewd in 1997 is being revised at the moment and will be uploaded soon.

Also keep an eye open for the "Hot Link" on this page. It is a link to the page that was updated most recently.

So, take a look around, let me know what you think. Don't mind the holes in the walls. Rebuilding is always a little messy, so watch your step and pardon our dust.

Suchetha Wijenayake

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This page was last updated on the 20th of November 1999