D.E.C.O. Divers Online
Diving Extreme Conditions Only
The Adventures of the DECO Divers

The true meaning of D.E.C.O. comes out on our dive trips. Very mysterious, but so far it's been like that ever since we started diving together. It started out in November 1997, I was invited by a friend of mine to go on a dive trip with him in Balicasag, Bohol. He just got certified and I haven't been diving for quite a while so I decided to go. I invited my cousin and sister to go along with me. Balicasag is well known for its beautiful walls and pelagics, the highlight of which is the hammerheads at a nearby dive site, altough we have yet to dive there. Anyway, that was the first time we met Nature Boy, Island Girl, Hooverman, Totek and Hover Gal. And as if giving us a preview of things to come, nature unleashed its power on us with very rough seas. It was either that or the fact that we booked with a cheapo dive trip organizer who had us scrimping at every turn, and apparently it was an off-peak season, and was off-peak for a reason! With the boat being a bit high and the waves adding to it, and an ill-timed backroll would give you enough time to wonder if you're sky diving, then start tugging on your d-ring and shout 'How the hell do I get the parachute open!'.

This first trip brought us to the realization it's in these kind of conditions that we trive, and fully enjoy diving. As one of our esteemed colleagues would say, "HARDCORE!" (as opposed to softporn).

Our Bohol trip was just the beginning. The following links are the continuing adventures of the DECO Divers.

Please note that all the pictures in the adventures are hyperlinked to the full sized versions. I did this mainly to create an archive for me and the DECO divers, but everyone is welcomed to take a peek. The full sized versions are around 90k to 120k in size so it may take a while to download. : )

The Birthday Dive Trip of John "Hoover Man" Herrman!

Braving the Elements in Maningning Island!

The Homecoming Dive Trip of Kuya Bong!

The Florida Cave Diving Trip!

The same trip, but from Roger Oakey's perspective!

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