MS Glossary

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Wallerian Degeneration - Is Axonal Degeneration without local Inflammation and before local DeMyelination that results from a distal injury to the same Axon. Wallerian Degeneration commonly occurs, sometime after a distant Axonal part has been severed.

White Matter - The common term for Myelin and/or the Medullary Body and consists of: Myelinated Axons, and supporting cells (Astrocytes). The Medullary Body is the Cerebrum's deep interior (includes the Corpus Callosum, surrounds the Basal Ganglia, and parts of the Ventricles).

- Various other Nerve Pathways (ie; Cerebral Peduncles, CorticoSpinal Tract, and Medial Fasciculus Longitudinal) interconnect the entire Brain to the Spinal Cord).

- White Matter constitutes a larger percentage of the Central Nervous System (CNS) than Neurons (Gray Matter) and DeMyelination, damage to Neurons, their Axons, or Myelin cause MS Symptoms. #01, #23
View: Brain's Interior

To: Epidemiology Dictionary


# 01 - Mastering MS - A Handbook For MSers & Families - Dr. John K. Wolf - 1984
# 02 - Mastering MS - A Guide To Management - Dr. John K. Wolf - 1987
# 03 - Fall Down Seven Times Get Up Eight - Living Well With MS - Dr. John K. Wolf - 1991
# 04 - MS - A Guide For Patients & Their Families - Dr. Labe C. Scheinberg - 1987
# 05 - MS Fact Book - Dr. Richard Lechtenberg - 1988
# 06 - Symptom Management In MS - Dr. Randall T. Schapiro - 1987
# 07 - Understanding MS - Drs. Robert Shuman & Janice Schwartz - 1988
# 08 - MS - A Personal View - Cynthia Birrer, M.A., B.ED. - 1979
# 09 - MS - Scars Of Childhood - Dr. John M. Adams, Ph.D. - 1977
# 10 - MS - The Guide To Sucessful Coping - Dr. Lynn Robinson - 1983
# 11 - Anatomy & Physiology - Rod R. Seeley, Ph.D., Trent D. Stephens, Ph.D. & Philip Tate, D.A. - 1992
# 12 - Merck Manual - 16th Edition - 1992
# 13 - Anatomy & Physiology - Dr. James Brevan - 1978
# 14 - Gray's Anatomy - 1977
# 15 - Merriam Webster's Medical Desk Dictonary - 1986
# 16 - Black's Medical Dictonary - C.W. Havard, M.A., D.M., F.R.C.P.  - 35th Edition - 1987
# 17 - The MS Diet Book - Dr. Roy Laver Swank, MD., Ph.D. - 1987
# 18 - Living Well With MS - David L. Carroll & Dr. Jon Dudley Dorman - 1993
# 19 - MS - The Facts - Bryan Matthews, D.M., F.R.C.P. - 2nd Edition - 1985
# 20 - Physiology Of The Human Body - J. Robert McClintic, Ph.D. - 3rd Edition - 1985
# 21 - Essentials Of Human Anatomy - Russell T. Woodburne, A.M., Ph.D. - 9th Edition - 1994
# 22 - Essentials Of Human Physiology - Uwe Ackermann, Ph.D. - 1992
# 23 - J. Hopkins Atlas Of Human Functional Anatomy - 2nd Edition - 1977
# 24 - Blakiston's Gould Medical Dictionary - 4 th Edition - 1979
# 25 - Health ResponseAbility Systems, Inc. Document ID: lhf00389 - 1995
# 26 - Dictionary Of Medical Eponyms - B.G. Firkin & J.A. Whitworth - NMSS Resourse Center
# 27 - Real Living With Multiple Sclerosis - Vol. 1, #3, 2-94 - The Cobb Group Publication - Feb. 1994
# 28 - MS Quarterly Report - Vol. 15, #2, 8-96 - Demos-Vermande Publications - 1996
# 29 - Inside MS - Vol. 14, # 3; Fall 96 - NMSS - 1996
# 30 - Immunology - I. Roitt, MA. DSc.; J. Brostoff, MA. DM.; D. Male, MA. PhD. - 4th Ed. - 1996
# 31 - Multiple Sclerosis In Clinical Practice - Stanley Van Der Noort, MD & Nancy J. Holland, EdD - Demos Inc. - 1999

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