Born:San Diego, CA  on December 24, 1968
Denise Talmar Sutton moved to the Northern Virginia area from San Diego in her 13th year.  Her father, Paul Sutton, retired from the Navy and went into the civilian life in one of the most political cities in the country.  The move was beneficial for all, especially the kids (Talmar and her younger sister, Carrie Ann).  Fairfax County has one of the best school districts in the country.
Though Talmar loved the weather in Virginia, Paul And Kathy wanted warmer days. So they picked up and moved their empty nest to Phoenix, AZ.  Carrie had moved to California to live with our Aunt Cathy and Grandma Sutton to help care for our younger cousin, Michael.  Her life there brought her to her husband Dave Cristal and their three beautiful daughters.
Talmar started college in Virginia but strayed from school towards work. She met some of the best friends of her life during this time. The years when you grow into a responsible adult that figures out what you want, what you don't want and how you are going to get there.  They will always be a part of me, and my heart is always with them.  And yet...I wanted to move on...where to?...Atlanta? Seattle? and then I heard my Mom, "Not Phoenix?"  It was 122 degrees that day  Talmar drove into town in 1994. Two years she swore!!  Two years, and she was outta here!! Two years later, Talmar met a was in a karaoke bar...well..that is a story for later.
Insert photos of young Talmar and one of Carrie and Talmar- WHat kind of tail?