BABEL: The well of worlds

Babel is a hard science-fiction universe set in the 28th century.
Babel is the name of a space sector where Human found a so important number of civilized alien races that they named it after an old legend of a place where nobody speaks the same language...
There are ten major powers in this sector:
- The Human Empire: a highly xenophobic and egocentric society,its fast expansion
is challenged for the first time by an alien race who is more than its equal : the Khans.
- The Borderlands : a chaotic entity composed of Human exiled by the Empire
( a melting pot of dissidents, anarchists, utopists, believers of minority cults ... called
political criminals by the Empire, their only crime is to think dreams could be true ) and
Humanoids (disliked by Human for being not entierly like them ) who found a new home
here within hospitable alien races. The miracle is they could live together in spite of their differences, the bad thing is that they are in the middle of the Human Empire and the Khans Worlds.
- The Khans Worlds : a warriorkind race, they like to conquer new worlds for the
glory of their kind.Less technologically advanced than Human they are nevertheless
formidable war machines.They have a strong code of honor and respect races who
fought hard even if they are their ennemies.Actually they freeze their war with Human
because there 's a new one with Hanii, a newly discovered race.
- The Domain of Hanii : this feline race is new to Babel and they have the unluck
to be neighboor of Khans. But their biggest problem for the moment is the awful number
of alien refugees appearing of nowhere. Some of their best linguists and engineers are
developping a computer who could understand virtually any language, very useful when
you want to know what the hell all these guys are fleeing...
- The Morglob Hegemony : Morglob ? Seems a ridiculous name ! But the day you'll meet these giant octopii in their "hostile environment suit" you'll never laugh anymore...
They 're a less known race, why do you bother about people who live in the deep ?
They aren't surely leaving their deep for nuts ...
- The Dominion : the enigma of the sector, it seems that long ago they were the rulers
of Babel ( some say of the universe, but it's certainly stories...). How these masters of
psychic powers could have shrinked in less than a millennium ? Some rumors said their
home system is menaced by an apocalyptic war ( but it's certainly stories...).
- The New Alliance : a federation of united races who recently overcame the
Dominion domination. If you want a true democracy it's certainly here you can find it.
- The Hive : an insectoid race, no many infos on them. Know only that they think
like one, if you want diversity it's certainly not here you can find it. (By Jaron)
- The Circle : not really a nation, but a union of worlds who have the same religion.
The New Alliance is alarmed by their fast expansion within worlds left vacant by the
Dominion. Who said religion could be like a virus ?
- Arachnid Guild : not very pretty, not very friendly and not very communicative,
the Borderlands are lucky that they 're not very expansive.Seeing a giant spider is
surely as impressive as seeing a giant octopus.
All the races background are not yet finished, so you 're free
to propose yours.
As English is not my native tongue, new stuffs will not be quickly added
as I want, but I'll do all I can to post new things, so stay tuned...
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