Current AbyssWare Projects

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At any time, AbyssWare members will be busy working on one of many projects. Currently we are working on:

Dragon Saga, an idea originally from Jgarcia (anyone know where Jay is now? He seems to have dissapeared...), this RPG has a great plot so far, and I believe we can make it into a great game. Old info. on it is available here. and here.. The project is being run by Alex Szeto (Jamus).

The un-named Game, an idea from Jesse Towner, he has already started on an awesome engine for it, (similiar to Diablo, I believe). There isn't much information on it yet, just technical stuff on the game engine, however, it is described as a mix of Diablo and the classic game Gauntlet, with more plot. There isn't even a name for it yet.

Side scrolling arcade game, an idea from E. Olson, this is game where you control a little spaceship flying through space. There is a basic engine for it, but not much else is done yet.

Twinned, an idea from Pain28. More about it can be found at the AbyssWare Discussion Board.

Lost in Time, idea from, ICQ 17635851. Top-down space shooter. Done is PASCAL/some ASM.

8)Fortress on Clouds - A 2D side scroller like "Flashback". It has a click-and-run engine like "Diablo". The mood is like "Doom" and the engine is at a terminal level. If you want to contact the developer, mail to Mortymer at with subject "Fortress On Clouds". The requests are all the skills you may find useful in a game. See

9)Patrick's Un-named Project - A project idea by Patrick. The project is a complete object-oriented c++ library written with djgpp and allegro 3.1 (now supports truecolor rendering!) will support 3d objects, and sound with classes for windows and the rendering pipeline. There will also be a complete gui editor for all these features that will be very simple so as a person with no programming experience can use. Anyone can help with developement and testing. It will be availible for all the abyssware member to use so that one of them might actually finish a project!

More projects could be started at any minute. Check back here often to see.