Welcome to KimShi's place!

A home to loyal Ulstermen and home sick Coleraine fans!

Welcome to my humble joint a mere gateway into what I enjoy, here are some links that should give you an idea of what I like!....

Coleraine F.C on the Web! All together now, we Ballymena, we Clifonville too..

Th link to the Northern Ireland football team fanzine..Includes when Dowie is finally having that much needed plastic surgery!!!

The Ultimate Gateway for Games WorkShop stuff..

Anyone who knows me knows I love three bands, The Doors, The Stone Roses and Carter..here are some cool sites you should be checking out..

Enter the Doors of perception..
Cool news, gossip on the Roses

Pogo on a and buy your mum something nice -Fruitbat, Carter USM

Check out my Warhammer page..

KimShi's Warhammer Realm

Do you want to watch the pretty fishies?

Fishies swimming and ermm..thats it!

Oh and ah MASSIVE shout to all ex Inst pupils, in particular Mogwi (aka M.Kee)get Mikey here (very weird Mike)

Mikey's Home Page

Also to Mark " Morrison is God " Baxter, keeping the Lizard King alive!!

The Warhammer site has been given a damn good thrashing and is now well cool!..KimShi 26/2//98

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loyal honourary Ulsterman/woman to visit my page..

Page constructed by KimShi (aka R Scales) Anything on this page that is copyright (most Games Workshop stuff) is copyright to them, anything else is Copyright The KimShi Experiance 1997

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